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Play the song while you read the last few lines of this chapter!!

I answer the call
"Hey girl, you at school yet?" my bestie Lyla asked me as she adjusted her phone
"No" I deadpan
"Im at the bus stop waiting for the bus" I say in a duh tone
"Oh thats right, school starts at 8:00am" she says matter of factly
"Yea" I say with a chuckle
"Well are you gonna show me your first day fit or not?" She asks with a raised brow
"Here girl" I say while moving the phone around to show her my outfit
"Hey" I heard a familiar voice say
"Ouuu girl who is that?" my best friend said in a way that let me know she found Theo's voice attractive
Yes it was him, do act like you guys didn't guess it.
"Hey" I said to Theo
Then I responded to Lyla
"Thats Theo, he lives around here" I say trying not to smile too much
Lord knows I don't want her to start teasing me and going on and on about him later.
"I forgot we would be taking the same bus" I continued

Theo chuckled then showed his face while he waved his hand in the camera to Lyla
Oh my god he was so gorgeous.
"Girl he is fine" she says like she's starving and Theo looks like something on a menu
I love my bestie but that was already mine in my head! Real delusional i know
"If I was next to him right now, I swear I would-"
See now she was embarrassing me and I wasn't gonna go for that.
"Well, that's enough of that" I said interrupting and preparing to hang up
"I'll call you during lunch" I said about to press the hang up button
"Okay I love you bye!" she said
"Love you bye!" I said fast as I hung up
Theo starts laughing
"I'm sorry about Lyla, she doesn't know how to act sometimes" I say to him as I playfully rolled my eyes
Sometimes I swear this girl has no home training.
Before he could respond the bus pulls up in front of us

Thank you lord for saving me from the awkwardness I say in my head
Won't he do it. Amen
"Guess we'll talk about it later" I heard him say under his breath as I enter the bus with him following close behind
That voice makes me wanna-
I stop myself before I could finish. Get it together Myla I say mentally scolding myself.
I walked to the back of the bus and sat in an empty seat so I could be next to the window
Theo sat next to his friends and I watched as they all fist bumped him

I put my Airpods in and put my kaash paige playlist on shuffle.When her song "Frank Ocean" came on Theo and I locked eyes during the first few lines of the song
Felt like we knew each other before
It felt like I escaped this Earth for a second
It was only ten seconds but it felt like ten minutes
And in that moment, I think that moment was the beginning of everything that was to come..

When her song "Frank Ocean" came on Theo and I locked eyes during the first few lines of the songFelt like we knew each other before It felt like I escaped this Earth for a second It was only ten seconds but it felt like ten minutes And in that mo...

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How Lyla had Myla feelin💀
#kaashpaigeismywife, don't argue with me about it but feel free to argue with your walls😘
Anywaysss make sure to comment and vote if you like this chapter
See you in the next one mwahhh 🖕🏽

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