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Cain's POV:

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Cain's POV:

A dancer.

She's a fucking dancer.

I would never have imagined that my innocent little nurse would take up such an erotic...sport, however, it makes her so much more attractive to me.

Why was she in that room?

Who was she in that room with?

Questions surf my mind and jealousy courses my veins as my little sister Julissa raves about her day at school, not being able to fully give her all of my attention.

Do you see what you do to me Ziva?

This is no good.

"Jefe," Dominic started. "Mm?" I hummed in response, barely lifting my head from my plate as I looked at him. "The wake has been set for Friday at 4:15 de la tarde and the funeral is Saturday at 9:30 de la mañana."

I gave him a look as if to say this was not a topic to be discussed at dinner before looking up fully as it was still a sensitive topic for my fathers wife Eve.

"Thank you Dominic, next time let's discuss matters in private so I can bring the news to my family." "Perdon jefe." He apologized. I couldn't be mad though.

The only thing at the forefront of my brain were those sheer ruffled stockings and cherry heels. That perfect body, that phone call.

She's doing something to me.

Something unnatural to my usual primal nature.

I need to fix this.


"Cain baby, I missed you." Mariah spoke with those low enticing eyes as her red fingernail swirled her wineglass. "The feeling is mutual." I spoke looking at her through my eyelids.

I couldn't go through this sober, being high was the only way. But if anyone was to make me get over my little nurse it was Mariah.

Her smokey gray eyes follow my every move as her golden skin shined in the light. Her honey blonde hair down the middle of her back, the front pieces sitting softly on her shoulder blades.

She was no Ziva.

She never will be Ziva.

But she was the closest woman who could remotely take my mind off of her for a minute.

"Your mind seems to be elsewhere Cain. I am to be no rebound." Her accent filling my thoughts, snatching me back to reality.

"Ready to order?" I questioned with a smirk. Mariah looked at me with a smile before speaking once more. "I want what's...off of the menu."

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