Enemy | 06 ♕

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Cain's POV:

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Cain's POV:


That's all I needed to hear escape from Ziva's perfect lips at that moment.

So much hurt and pain bottled up in one small being has never affected me as much as it is now. Her tears soaked deep into the fibers of my button up, becoming one with my shirt.

Those deep brown glossy eyes staring in mine and I swear to god if I wasn't so fucked up in the head I would've cried right then and there.

Her pain slowly stitching itself into my heart, making me not want but need to protect her from all evil and harm.

An evil ruined my beautiful angel and for that he must repent those sins. He must meet Diablo.

I snapped out of my thoughts as my thumb dragged from her glistening lips down to her perfect chin, tilting it upwards slightly so I was now looking down at her.

Her eyes pleaded for me, her hips grounded to mine, fitting her warmth on my filthy erection like the missing piece to my puzzle.




My lips lowering to hers was the only decision in my life that I have grown to regret.

Because now,

I can never kiss another pair of lips.

I can never see anyone else for me.

I can never fathom another being even coming this close to me as she is the only person I will ever need in life.

She has ruined Diablo and birthed Cain. She destroyed me in that moment making me new, reformed. For her, I am a person rather than a devil.

For Ziva, I will be the one she has lacked. I will be the protector of Medusa.

"More Cain."

Her sweet words burning into my brain as I finally stopped holding back. My small peck to her lips turned to hunger, passion, longing, lust,


"Fuck Ziva." I whispered removing my lips from hers to see the expression on her face but all that was displayed was pure confusion.

"Please Cain," She begged as the tears made their way down her plump cheeks. "please." She whispered bringing her slender fingers through my hair, begging me to rid of her deep rooted pain.

"Preciosa, you don't know what you're doing to me." I mumbled still feeling the effects of my high from earlier, my hand resting in the nook of her back perfectly as if it belonged there all along. The other making it's way to her small neck.

Her small moan escaping against my lips as I pushed up into her slightly, trying to adjust myself so I wouldn't burst right then and there.

"Don't Ziva." I spoke sternly knowing what I am capable of in this state of mind. The high allowing me to feel everything from the twitch in my dick to every beat of my heart. Her breathing matching with mine as she smirked through her blurred vision.

"Why not Cain?" Her voice cracking as she moved her hips slightly causing a guttural grunt to escape my throat. My lips connected with hers once more before I could reinforce my decision to not do anything.

Her soft and sweet moans like music to my ears, erupting something in me that I had worked hard to bury deep. "I need to hear you preciosa, louder." I whispered moving myself once more, feeling her throbbing on top of me.

Her breathing sped as she began moving the length that could be displayed by my slacks, self pleasuring like the naughty girl she was.

I squeezed her slender neck ensuring to be much softer than I have ever been. I cant kill my precious gem. This seemed to be enough for her as her kisses became scarce.

Ziva's breath released onto my lips and retracted just as quickly. Her eyes locked onto mine and almost as if time had slowed that instant everything else had blurred.

"You make me feel something. I don't like it Cain." My name sliding off her tongue smooth like silk. "Me das la vida preciosa." Her smile telling me everything I needed to confirm.

She knew she gave me life. She birthed me anew and for that I am forever in her debt.

But just as quick as her smile appeared, it faded with one simple knock.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" The familiar voice rang through my ears.

Fucking Milo, here to ruin the day as always. This is something he's done since we were children. Always jealous of what was out of his reach, anger consuming him and unleashing a beast.

My mother always told me that her sisters son would grow up a lost soul unless someone was there to contain him. Sure enough the one to even come close to taming him was laying in my arms, kissing my lips, connecting with me in a way that didn't require nudity.

Before I could even think to lock the door it came swinging open. "Let me put Ziva down before you start some bullshit." I spoke quickly, gently lifting her off of my lap before I stood up out of the car.

Looking down at mi primo I only saw what he once was. Someone I protected just as hard as I would now protect Ziva. I was looking into the eyes of the old Milo. The Milo before the event that changed him, changed us.

"Don't let her name come out of your lips again." He gritted grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling me towards him. "Or what Mi?" I spoke.

His face froze as did mine with the realization that I had called him the long forgotten nickname that we all used to refer to him as. "I'll fucking finish what I started." The cold blade made its way to my neck but I couldn't help but chuckle at how grown he really has become.

"Mírate." I smirked. "Eres un hombre ahora." I taunted knowing he wouldn't do anything in front of Ziva.

"Milo-" Ziva spoke cautiously. "Ma I can't right now. You let him fucking touch you!" He winced. Her slow movements toward him made him press the knife a bit deeper into my neck.

"I'll kill him. Just sit ur ass down somewhere damn!" Milo spoke harshly at her.

Fuck no. Who does he think is is?

"Shows over." I spoke grabbing his arm and easily moving it away from my body, snatching the knife from his hand.

"Don't you ever," I could feel the smirk on my face grow as I watched the fear display itself in his eyes, the facade of being unfazed played on his face. "Speak to her like that again." The knife now centimeters from his eye as his back was against the car parked next to Ziva's.

"Te costará la vida." I knew his spanish wasn't lost. I don't enjoy threatening people in front of others in english. Spanish was more personal, it left the threat between me and the recipient.

"Fuck you Cain. I should've finished the fuckin job instead of sparing your sorry ass." He cussed out. He was really pushing my buttons at this point and I couldn't allow this disrespect to continue. Especially knowing I won't do anything in front of Ziva.

"Get in your car and drive to a safe place preciosa." I warned
politely. "Cain," She started. "Now please Ziva."

Before I could even turn to defend myself, the cold metal was pressed up against my head, knowing he was the only true threat when it came to my life.

"My sister doesn't have to listen to anything you tell her Diablo. Now let him go before I blow your brains out."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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