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Ziva's POV:

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Ziva's POV:

Everyone's eyes were glued to mine, the panic slowly settling in as I tried to come up with something to say.

Trauma from my past trying to break through the deep surface that I had buried it beneath.

"I'm fine, thanks for the concern." I smiled directing my words towards Cain before turning to the woman and man with a small nod.

"Oh no young woman you are coming to sit over here with me." The little lady spoke slowly wobbling her way over to me, her gentle touch rubbing my bruise before her eyes pierced Milo's.

"She said she's fine. I suggest you make your way back to your table now granny." Milo spoke calmly.

"I suggest you stop hitting this gorgeous treasure of a woman and get your act together young man." The woman called.

Nervously looking around I knew this scene wouldn't be good for business and surely wouldn't be good for Milo if it got back to my brother.


"I'm okay seriously, it's a bit strange you would assume that. This is our first date and I would appreciate it if we were left alone." The woman's face dropped.

"It's your first time meeting this man?" I nodded quietly before speaking once more. "My brother set us up and I would appreciate it if everyone would stop calling attention to the things I very much wished to keep hidden from him." I managed to get out, lying until it was some what believable.

Everyone eventually went back about their business but the older woman wouldn't let up.

"Getting hurt by someone you love is not acceptable. It's hard to leave but you are strong. Just come with me please, Im doing what i wish someone would have done for me." She spoke.

"I used to get harmed by my father. It's only natural for me to feel uncomfortable and be a bit fidgety in male presence. So please if I could just go back to my meal." I spoke telling the first truth of my whole ramble.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you though ma'am, I truly am." I sincerely smiled knowing her pain, feeling it.

"Oh sweetie, i'm so sorry for bringing that pain up in front of your first date. I feel awful." She whispered bringing her small wrinkled hand up to her mouth.

"I've come to terms with it," I reassured her "It's no big deal but if this was that kind of situation you would have saved my life. Just do it a bit more discretely next time. I bet you can imagine how much danger you would have just put me in."

Her face went pale and her cheeks rosy as she pulled me into a hug. "You're so strong, god bless you." She whispered rubbing my cheek before stumbling back to her seat.

I finally turned my focus back towards Milo expecting to see him fuming with rage but it was the complete opposite.

Dammit. He put the pieces together.

"Wait what?" Milo questioned with a screwed face after the woman left, my eyes darting to the terrified expression on Cain's face then back to look at Milo.

"Hm?" I questioned confused. "He used to...wait is that why you used to be held up in your room?" His eyes beginning to water as his gut sank.

"Ma you were held in your room so we wouldn't know what he was doing?" Milo whispered his hand now connecting with my face.

"Milo please." I spoke calmly knowing I refused to cry in front of anyone. I cant let them see how it has effected me. " were called Duce because...wait Medusa? Wait no."

His voice cracked.

Medusa. A nickname given to the strong who were broken by the weak. But in my case, a name to under shadow what was going on right beneath everyone's noses.

"Ma please say something." Milo whispered. "Please stop crying. I just said it so she could leave us alone." Was the only thing that could escape my lips. Yet another lie.

I couldn't let him know the only death I wished for was my fathers. I couldn't let Milo know that I resented him for peeking in my room and never once asking why I couldn't walk or come out and play.

I couldn't tell him that Prince tried to kill my father and ended up hospitalized so he stopped trying to help me. I couldn't tell Milo that the more I spoke the more Cain would know and be driven to do whatever it was he was going to do.

I couldn't tell Milo that Cain, Diablo, now knows that Duce who has been a target of his families mafia was in fact a little girl and not a young boy who everyone was searching for.

All of my secrets that had been locked and stored in a cage had been released in one sitting. I was embarrassed, hurt, and disgusted. I felt disgusting.

"I'm just gonna go Milo. I'm not very hungry anymore and I have work in the morning." I spoke finally ready to get to my home. "Let me walk you out." He whispered knowing my denial was a lie.

"No, collect yourself first in the bathroom. Rivals can be lurking anywhere Milo." I whispered looking for Cain but not seeing a single trace of him.

"Get home safe ma." Milo called bringing me into a hug to which I kept my hands at my side. I couldn't hug back a monster who would put his hands on me and only resent it because of what my father did.


The brisk air brushed my cheeks, chills shooting down my spine while walking to my car. My eyes burned as I saw his tall figure next to the car.

Don't break down. Don't break down.

"Come here mi preciosa." Cain whispered opening his arms.

It was as if my feet glided over to him without my brain telling me to. I'm trying to be brave but he breaks down the barriers i've built. Somehow he makes me

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, firmly resting his hand on the back of my thick head of curls. "I'll do it. For you, i'll do anything." He spoke.

"Cain I don't wanna cry." I whimpered trying to keep it together. "Gangstas cry Ziva. It doesn't make you any less strong." He spoke opening my drivers side door and sitting down, motioning for me to sit with him.

My mind told me absolutely not but it's as if we're bound by string. Some secret ties that draw me to something that I now know i'm not supposed to have.

As I straddled him, my head buried in his chest, I felt the rush of warm tears come. "Good girl. Keep going princessa." Cain whispered firmly rubbing my back for reassurance.

"You know who I am now. I know who you are now. How can you sit here and console me." I wailed trying my hardest to not confess right then and there.

"Ziva look." Cain's large hands took both side of my face and tilted it upwards so I now was looking into his glistening eyes.

"Seeing you like this, it's crushing me. I don't give a damn who you are, who you're related to, or whether or not you were my ultimate target for the last 28 years of my life," a little chuckle escaped our mouths before he continued.

"You saved me. You brought me back. You're my angel." He smiled wiping my flowing tears. "Cain I-"

In an instant his eyes searched mine for the needed consent he was craving. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it as his thumb moved from my cheek to my bottom lip, grazing it ever so softly.

"Please." I whispered in the heat of the moment not knowing this simple word would change the perspective of my life. The entire outlook on everything I had known would crumble and reform itself.

I need this forever.

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