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I quickly walked to the handlers office so I wouldn't keep her waiting. I turned the corner and made my way down the hall way and stopped in front of her office doors. My hands started to shake a little from nerves. Even if she was the one to take care of me from age ten to now I know she is a dangerous women and it scared me. I pushed open the doors and made my way into her office. "Hello mother you called for me." I said as I walked up to her desk. "Hello little one. Sit down stay awhile I hardly ever see you anymore." She said with her evil smile. I pulled out the chair and sat down across from her. I looked at her and so many emotions flooded me. I felt fear, anger and maybe even a little hatred toward her and yet I was grateful and happy all at the same time to see her.

"So why do you want to see me?" I asked.

"Well now we're all business. I guess we can get straight to the point. I have a new job and your the only one I trust to complete it." She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"As you might have heard we have had somebody time travel to the future. And they might have gotten a little stuck. I needed you to go there and simply watch over them trying to keep them alive. Don't show yourself unless absolutely necessary. Any questions?" She said with a smile.

"Wait you want me to babysit some idiot that got stuck in the future?" I asked.

"Yes he could be very useful later on and I want to make sure he stays alive and doesn't try and kill himself." She said.

"Ok fine when do I leave?" I asked.

"After you read the case file grab a briefcase and head on your merry little way." She said with a smile while pushing the case file across her desk to me.

I grabbed the file stood up and began to walk away when I heard her clear her throat to get my attention. I stopped and turned toward her "Yes mother?" I asked trying to hide how anxious I was to leave. "This job is very important to me don't mess it up. Got it?" She said with a hint a venom in her voice. "Yes I understand mother." I said. After receiving a nod of approval I turned and left the room. I went back to my desk and opened the case file. I saw a photo of a family six children and one old man I assume their father. All the children were wear a mask making it hard to imagine what they look like without it on. One of the children had a red circle around their head showing that they were the target. I continued looking at the file it was an odd case file because some of the information had been highlighted out with sharpie so I couldn't see it. I did get some information though. He was age fifteen, birthday October 1, 1989. He was born the same day as me. "Wait he time traveled? Is he like me?" I muttered to myself. I finished reading the file but nothing seemed that important to me. All I really needed to know was what he looked like and maybe his name to complete the task but I couldn't find his name listed anywhere. I guess if the job was just to keep him alive I didn't really need to know his name. I grabbed a briefcase and set off for April 1, 2019. As the surrounding blue light disappear around me a wave of heat hit me and it was kind of hard to breath the air was so full of dust and smoke. I looked around to see nothing. No people, no animals, no buildings, not even a single tree. There was fire every where and mountains of destroyed buildings. I had seen some pretty gruesome stuff working for the commission but none of that took my breath away like this did. I started to walk around looking for the boy. After about half an hour I decided to take a brake and I sat down on the remaining stairs of a building. I was just staring off into space when I heard a noise coming toward me. I quickly hid behind some remains of a building looking out so see what it was. It was a person pulling a little metal wagon behind him the wagon contained a lot of garbage but one thing that did stand out was a mannequin with a creepy face no hair no legs and a missing arm. The person pulling the wagon was fully covered in a coat, hat, and scarf. Then they stopped and pulled the scarf off their face to get a drink of water. As they were looking around and getting a drink I was able to catch a glimpse of their face and to my surprise it was him the boy I was looking for. As he cover his face again and started to walk forward again I watched him and made sure to stay hidden. I followed him around making sure to keep my distance so he wouldn't see me. After a while he walked into what looking like the part of the first floor of a bilding. As I got closer and saw glimpses inside I noticed it was part of what use to be a library. I noticed that this place looked like this was his camp so I would have to find a place to hide near here to keep an eye on him. I looked around and noticed that one of the piles of building still had a frame to it so I carefully made my way over to it to check it out. I looked over at the pile it wasn't a five star hotel room but I think it would do. Well this is home sweet home until I completed this job. 

Two Days later

The past few days have been nothing but boring I just follow this kid around as he collects what he things could be useful garbage. I habe started to notive certain things over the past few days is he has the cuties dimples, the most beautiful dark brown hair and the most amazing green eyes. They remind me of emeralds but they have lost their shine to them just like anything would in this world. He also likes to talk to this mannequin that I have learned the name of it is Delores. It was a little weird how much he talked to Delores but it does keep me entertained so I won't judge to much.

Six Days Later

It has been a week since I was told to watch over this kid and I have never been so bord on a job before in my life. Most of his days consist of walking around looking for anything good like food, water, people just anything and when he is not doing that he is reading or talking to himself or Delores it is hard to tell. Today I noticed that he hasn't had much to eat or drink the past couple of days. As I watched him walk around I quickly and carefully ran a head of him and crouched behind a pile of something. "Just keep him alive." I said to myself. I put my hand above a little crack in the ground with some grass growing out of it. As I placed my hands down on the ground I slowly breathed out and focused in on the small spots of grass. I imagined a small raspberry bush and as I did this a small green bush started to grow from the grass and then slowly some flowers came out and grew in to big red raspberries. After I grew the Bush I picked up a rock and threw it out in front of me to get his attention. After I did this I ran away from the pile to another pile so he wouldn't see me. I watched as he walked around to the pile and noticed the bush on the ground. He kneeled down in front of it and picked a raspberry off of one of the branches and examined it. He took a small bite out of it and after he realized what the fruit was he shoved it in his mouth and grabbed many more off the bush and stuffed his face with the fruit. I smiled to myself as I watched it. All I could say is I can only imagine how happy he probably is to see that little fruit. But I don't have to imagine it because I have been there. The feeling of starving and the feeling of relife and joy when you find food again.

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