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I watched the boy shove raspberries in his mouth and he also picked some and put them in his pockets for later. I stayed hidden until he was about sixty feet away from me. I walked back over to the plant and put my hand on it and as I did more flowers bloomed and grew into fresh raspberries again. I then stood up and made my way over to the boy again and started the long day of following him again. As I was following him I noticed that the fires had started to die down which made it much easier to breath. Even with the fires burning out it was still very hot making walking feel like alot of work. I saw that we were walking toward a destroyed building the boy left his wagon right in front of all the building remains as he climbed over the rubble like he was looking for something. I hid behind a pile of concrete and watched him as he searched the remains. "I don't know Delores we might just have to live a day without water." He said looking at the mannequin in defeat. All the sudden I felt a sting of sadness for the boy to have nobody in this demolished world and trying to survive on whatever is left. At least when I was on the streets you had a chance that people would help you or you could steal from a store if you got lucky. But here in this world there is absolutely nothing. He made his way from the rubble, grabbed the wagons handle and started to make his way back to his base. I saw him pull the raspberries he had out of his pocket and started to eat them. It put a small smile on my face for some reason. As he was walking past the raspberry bush again he suddenly stopped and looked at it. "What the hell?" He muttered to himself as he walked up to it examining the newly grown berries. He pulled one off the bush and compared it to one of the berries left I his pocket. As soon as he realized it was the same berry he put it in his mouth and collected the rest and stored them in his pocket. He walked back to his base and sat down drinking some of the water he had left in his canteen. I watched him shake it listening to the small amount of water left in it as he put the top back on. I just sat behind the pile of destroyed building like I have been the past few days. The sun was getting lower in the sky and hopefully it would cool down soon with the blazing sun being lower in the sky and not directly above us. As I was sitting behind the rubble I had started to dig in the dirt out off boredom. All the sudden I felt a slight coolness at the tips of my fingers. I looked down to notice the dirt was starting to become darker and more moist the farther down I dug. My eyes widened in realization there must be some amount of water still in the ground. All I had to do was wait for the right moment and I could try and dig some sort of "watering hole." As I sat watching five getting a little impatient I felt my eyes starting to get heavy. I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I was opening my eyes again it was dark out and the boy was passed out with the manquin in his arms. This was my moment to try and get some water for both off us. I grabbed one of the knives that I kept hidden in my combat boots and made my way out into the darkness. The temperature is a little cooler than it was earlier so the walk was a little more comfortable. I decided that it would be best to dig near the raspberry bush so his chances of finding it would be grater. I found a flat spot on ground and started digging with the knife. I had probably dug for about twenty minutes before I started to feel the dirt get cool and moist. I dug the hole deep and then I started to carve it out to make it bigger. After I had a decently sized hole I put my hand on the edge of it and focused. I felt my hand get cooler as I pulled the water from the earth. Eventually the entire hole was filled with water. I cupped my hands and collected some of the water drinking it and splashing some on my face. After making sure the hole was filled with water and the bush was replenish with berries I made my way back to my hiding spot. As I got closer I started to hear noise so I quickly ducked behind a pile of rubble and scanned my surroundings. I started to hear someone quietly talking and that's when I noticed that it was the boys voice. I looked over to the base but saw nobody I carefully made my way closer to the boy. I then started hearing him talking again " No don't. Stop. Stop. Somebody help." I heard him mumbling to himself as he slept. "No!" He yelled as he suddenly jolted awake. His breathing was unsteady and I could tell he was on edge from whatever he just saw. I felt even worse as I saw the boy hug Delores as tears filled his eyes. I just wanted to go up to him and give him a hug I wanted to comfort him and tell him he is not alone. But I held myself back I was prohibited to make any contact with the boy and so I just sat behind the pile of rubble and watched the poor boy cry himself back to sleep. All I could think was I Understand as I sat there the rest of the night and watched the sun come up.

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