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Sleep was yet again a lost concept as my tired body was kept awake by a busy mind. Staying awake wouldn't have been so bad if at least there was something to look at but everything around us was dark even the sky had been covered in an even darker shade of black if that was even possible. The moisture in the air had gotten so thick that I wasn't surprised when I felt rain drops hit my face. What did surprise me was the tingly and burning sensation that came from where the rain drops fell. Slowly I felt the rain come down more steadily I shot up and squinted my eyes looking for Five in the darkness. I found him lieing a few feet from me with his back facing me I crawled my way over to him and shook his shoulder violently to wake him.

"Five wake up!" I yelled.

"What! Ow, what the hell is going on?" Five said rubbing his face.

"It's the rain we need to find cover." I said quickly. We both got up and frantically looked around us for cover.

"What the hell is wrong with you picking a spot with no covering!" I yelled to Five noticing that there was nothing to hide under anywhere near us.

The rain started to get heavier "Shit." Five mumbled  under his breath. Five quickly turned and grabbed Delores "Follow me." He said and ran out into the wasteland. I quickly followed after him not wanting be left to far behind. The rain was coming down in heavy sheets pelting me in the face as I continued to run. I tried to keep my face low and covered with my arm only looking up to see if Five was still in front of me. The only sound that could be heard apart from the rain was the pounding of our footsteps. I didn't start panicking until I no longer heard any other footsteps then my own. I stoped and looked up to see that I was standing alone. "Five!" I yelled looking around me when suddenly the rain stoped falling it had become dead silent and the rain was now frozen in mid-air.

"Hello Y/N" I heard from behind me.

"Shit, hello mother." I said turning around facing the Handler.

"I thought I told you to remain unseen for this mission." She said.

"Yes you did but I had to save him isn't that the mission to protect him and keep him alive." I said trying to justify my actions.

"Now Y/N don't fight your mother. I simply came to tell you that now that you have been seen you need to get close to him. Stay by his side and keep your story straight he can't know who you really are and why your actually here." The handler explained.

"Yes mother I know." I said.

"Well it was lovely seeing you Y/N. Oh, and Y/N DON'T MESS THIS UP!" The Handler said with a vicious smile. Before disappearing in a twist of blue with the brief case and once she was gone the tense silence was gone and the burning rain began to fall again. Silence took over me as I realised the severity of the situation. I was broken out of my thoughts when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side nearly causing me to fall over and be dragged across the ground.

"What the hell!" I said pulling my arm back.

"Y/N move!" Five yelled pulling back. Once I realized it was Five who grabbed me I willingly followed him. He dragged me into a very small space which was made  from two walls that had fallen into each other creating a small arch which gave a small space of coverage underneath.

"It's not much but it will have to do." Five said with a sigh.

"I would say that it's a blessing if I wasn't so worried that the pice of crap was going to collapse on top of us." I said sarcastically.

"Stop complaining." Five said with a small smile.

"Well I guess I can say we are officially in the apocalypse." I said.

"Why do you think that?" Five asked.

"Come on like acid rain doesn't scream apocalypse. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a zombie next." I said with a playful smile.

"Well actually all the smoke, ash, and chemicals from the buildings probably caused the acid rain." Five explained.

"Quit being a smart ass. Also speaking of smart will all your math equations be washed way?" I said.

"Even if that happened I still have this." Five said pulling out the book he had been reading.

"Is it a math book?" I asked confused.

"No it's the book my sister wrote but I have notes in it." Five said.

"That's your sister on the front?" I asked trying to make small talk.

"Yes that's Vanya she was number seven in the academy." Five said.

"What was her power?" I asked.

"She didn't have any." Five said which left us in an awkward silence.  Suddenly the sky light up with a flash of lightning and the ground shook with the rumble of thunder. I flinch absent mindedly moving closer into Five for comfort. Five hesitantly his arm around my shoulders and we both leaned into each other for comfort as we waited for the storm to stop.

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