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I never really went to sleep I might have dozed off every now and again but never actually fell asleep which sucks because I actually was really tired. My mind was just to busy to sleep everything was flooding my mind at once thoughts about the commission and the handler the mission she had entrusted me with and how I broke her rule about not letting Five see me. Would she be disappointed in me? Why do I care? And Five what would he ask me next? How am I going to keep my story going without having him get suspicious? All these thoughts made a bubble of anxiety form in my chest and a strong feel of unease settled down into my bones. It was nights like this that I wish I had a normal life like when I was younger and my family still felt like family and I had a place to call home. As I felt the sting of tears trying to form in my eyes I swallowed hard and took a few deep breaths as if I was pushing the door closed again on all these thoughts and feelings. I looked up at the sky and noticed light was slowly making its way back to the sky. There was still a haze in the sky from all the fires and dust from fallen buildings but it was slowly clearing up day by day.  I sat up from the ground I was sleeping on and looked out around the surrounding land. It was a sad sight looking at the demolished world around me. Well us now that I am staying with Five.

"You didn't sleep much last night did you." Five asked but to be honest it seemed more like a statement than a question.

"No but in my defense I can't just peacefully sleep next to someone I just met. Plus it's always alittle nerve racking not knowing what could be out there." I said.

"I know what's out there. Nothing." Five said with a sigh.

I wanted to comfort him tell him that things would get better just anything encourage but I couldn't because there was nothing positive to say. As the light started to shine on the walls I noticed that what five had been writing on the walls were numbers. Not just numbers but long mathematical and scientific equations.

"Five what's with all these equations on the wall?" I asked.

"I am trying to find away to get back home to my family. When I find out the right equation your welcome to come back with me." Five said.

"I would like that very much also if you left me here that would be a very shitty thing to do." I said with a smile. But inside there was guilt knowing that the commission would get me back and that they wouldn't let Five leave. The commission wanted him for something and they would make sure they got him. Five would not be going back home to his family.  "So what's with the manquin?" I asked.

"This is Delores and she is not just some manquin she is my friend. She keeps me company." Five said with a very offended tone.

"So is she like your girlfriend? " I said teasingly.

"What no! She just keeps me company." Five said with some embarrassment. "We will talk about it later." Five said looking at Delores. For some reason I found myself unable to look away from him. For some reason I found him cute and adorable in that moment and that brought a small amount of blush to my cheeks. Five reached out for his canteen and went for a sip he must have caught me staring because he held the canteen out for me.
"Sorry, I should have asked if you were thirsty." Five said. I smiled at him to show my gratitude and took the canteen from him. The water was a welcoming feeling to my dry throat and mouth but still being a very new person with Five I made sure not to drink to much. I handed the canteen back with the feeling of reluctance not having fully quenched my thirst. There was an awkward tension in the air between us which was understandable I mean we just met each other but I really wanted to make this more comfortable being that we could be stuck together for a while.

"So what were you doing at the hospital yesterday?" I asked.

"I was looking for any information about this." He said pulling an eyeball out of his pocket.

"An eyeball?" I said very confused.

"I found my dead brother holding it in his hand. It must of belonged to the attacker I thought if I could find out who owned this eye then I would have a clue to what caused this. And what killed them." Five said.

"Did you find anything out?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"No I didn't. " Five said in a very disappointed tone.

"We should probably try and look for anything useful out in all that crap." I said trying to change the subject.

"Yeah we probably should look around a little bit." Five agreed. We both went out and looked for anything useful that was when I found a small rusty gardening shovel. I picked it up and brought it over to the base and dug a shallow hole. Then I went over to my raspberry bush and dug it up and planted it in the base. Next I started working on diging a hole for water. It wasn't much but having our small food and water supply closer to us was much more convenient. I looked up as I heard Five coming with his wagon just as empty as when he left.

"Well it's not much but I thought it would be nice to have our food supply alittle closer. " I said.

"Well I didn't find much but I did find these." Five said pulling a box of Twinkies out of the bottom of his wagon.

"Holy shit you found Twinkies!" I said jumping up in excitement. Caught up in the moment Five opened the box and passed me a wrapped up cake. We both ripped open the packaging and took a large bite out of the cake. The cake was hard and dry and it crumbled apart in our mouths revealing the dried and disgusting frosting in the center. We both spit the food out immediately and started to spit on the ground to get all the food out of our mouths. We both looked up at each other and bursted out laughing. We both laughed until we couldn't breath and it felt wonderful to laugh again and find something funny in this shitty situation. "Well I guess that myth about them having a never ending shelf life really is just a myth." I said still laughing alittle. We both stopped and looked at each other. I noticed that Five's eyes were more lively like they were getting their shine back to them. And it seemed that we both understood that maybe just maybe being in this hell hole won't be so bad.

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