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Not long after the sun rose so did the boy but he didn't go any where or prepare for a day of searching he just laid there. It was like all his motivation to do anything was gone. If my mission wasn't to protect him I might have just shot him in the head to end his misery. But obviously I can't do that. I needed to get him to the watering hole and to the raspberry bush again. So I carefully made my way over toward the bush and found a spot to hide nearby. Once I was hidden I whistled as loud as I could I looked over toward the base but it didn't look like he had moved. Yet again I whistled loudly and this seemed to peak his interest because he sat up and started to look around. Curiosity got the better of him because he eventually stood up and started to walk in my direction. Much like yesterday the newly replenish bush caught his attention but as he got closer I heard him gasp. He quickly ran over to the water and brought his head down right into it. After drinking some he went back to his base to retrieve his canteen and filled it up with fresh water. After he ate some of the raspberries and drank some more water he went back into his base and prepared himself to go out and search the destroyed world around him.

Two weeks later

It has been about two weeks since I was assigned the job to protect this boy and to be honest this is one of the most boring jobs I have ever had. Every day it's the same wake up make sure to replenish the raspberry bush and water. After the boy eats "breakfast" he prepares himself for a long day of searching for really anything good or helpful he can find. As sad as it is to admit the best part of most days is when he and Delores get into arguments. But today it was diffrent he ate breakfast but he stayed in the base reading a book by someone called Vanya Hargreaves. I don't know what the book was about but it must have been a very emotional book because sometimes he would have a smile on his face other times he looked very upset but most times he just had a straight face. But I could tell from the look in his beautiful green eyes that there was alot of emotion going through him from every page he read.

Three weeks later

So really not much has changed except for that fact that I am starting to feel that the handler sent me here to "dispose" of me. Oh and also I think the boy has finally started to go crazy because he is writing things all over the walls. And I don't think that's normal but now that I think about it nothing about this situation is normal. As long as he is alive I don't care how crazy he has gone because that was not part of the assignment. But part of me does care? But what do I care about the fact that he is losing his mind? Part of me just wants to tell him he is going to be ok and to just hold on a little longer but even I know that it is a lie. If the commission wants him to be kept safe then they have plans for him and there is nothing ok about that.

One month later

I woke up with the sun just coming over the horizon. As I laid there watching the sun come up I heard a noise. I quickly sat up and looked around. The boy was already awake and prepared to go for the day. This is usually because almost everyday that I have been here I always wake up before him the sun wasn't even fully up and he is ready to go. What is he doing? He grabbed his wagon with supplies, a gun, and his mannequin he started to walk in the opposite direction than where he usually searches. As I followed him I realized how far out he were from were the "safe area" was. The safe area was an area of the city surrounding his base camp that he had marked off as safe. But today he was leaving the safe area and exploring a new area and for some reason I am not getting a good feeling about this. I followed behind him quickly but quietly. After walking for a little bit longer I saw that we were heading towards a very dilapidated building I couldn't tell what the building used to be. Maybe an office building it was tall and had lots of windows? The boy stopped abruptly and looked up at the building that remained "Well Delores this is it." The boy said looking at the mannequin. "Of course we'll be safe but it's not like the building is just going to crumble down on us..... hopefully." The boy said looking up to examine the building again. I also looked up and examined the building the base of the building was still in good condition. But as I look up I can see that the whole left side of the building is gone and the top floors on the right side are caving in slightly. That's when I noticed in one of the rooms with half the wall missing is a bed. What is a bed doing in an office building? Unless it's not an office building. It's a hospital. I spaced out as I thought of the horrible year that I spent in a hospital watching my mom fail to fight the cancer that took over her body like a parasite. The horrible memories swallowed my mind and put a heavy sadness on my shoulders. That was until I herd what sounded like rocks collapsing and banging together. The sound brought me back to reality as I quickly looked up and saw the right side of the hospital full cave in and crumble on the floors standing below it. And the remaining left side of the building completely gave in on itself and started to crash down to the ground. That was when I notice just the wagon containing the mannequin was sitting out front alone. Where was the boy? "SHIT!" I yelled as I ran towards the building thinking of how I was going to keep the boy alive and not crushed by the falling floors of the hospital. I stood in the doorway of the hospital the floor beneath me was cracked and broken revealing stone and dirt. I dug my feet into the ground and I held my hands up and out at my sides I closed my eyes and focused on the earth beneath me I held the image in my mind of wanting the hospital walls to stop caving in around me to have them be held up by something. It was like time slowed down as I felt energy move through my body and to my finger tips. When I opened my eyes I saw tall vines that came from the ground climbed up the walls and ceiling holding the building up around. I could feel the heaviness of the building on my body as I started to lose strength. It was a huge relife to me when out of the depths of the hospital and dust and ash that had risen into the air the boy came running out his head low and covered by his arm. As he ran past me and out the doorway his arm hit my hand making me lose the last bit of strength I had left. As I put my hands down I ran and jumped out of the doorway I lifted myself up and sat on my knees watching the hospital come crashing down in front of me. Once all was silent and still again that's when I felt the barrel of a gun pointed at the back of my head.  Out of reflex I slowly put my hands up to show I was not going to fight. So much for not showing myself.

"Who the hell are you?" The boy said.

"My name is Y/N." I answered

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