First Day

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             As I make my way through the hallway, I glance at my schedule. Room C203, I'm in the right building but I can't seem to find my class. Watching the numbers on the door decrease...212 ...210...206. When I finally find the room, I sit down in the lounge area outside the door, pulling out a book. Knowing I am 30 minutes early, a few chapters of my most current read couldn't hurt. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone sit down on the couch next to mine. I continue to read, but with the ignorance of this new character doesn't surprise me. Non-readers don't understand, when someone has a nose in a book it means 'don't talk to me.'

"Hey, I'm Cole. What's your name?"  the nerve...

"Adeena" I reply as nice as I can muster. I close my book to meet his eyes, he has blonde hair gelled back and seems to be checking me out. I roll my eyes, class hasn't even started and I already don't like someone.  He is wearing nice pants and a button up shirt, and holds himself as if he is the shit.. but I can tell you- he is NOT in fact 'the shit'.

"Well Good Morning Lady and Gentlemen! Come on in." The cheeriness in her voice almost makes me miss the singular "lady" Great. I grab my bag and head towards the door, making it into the classroom before anyone else. I sit in the front row of the auditorium seats, Cole sits behind me. I few other classmates slouch into the room.

"Voice Lab 1. If that's not what you signed up for, I hate to break it to you but you are in the wrong place" She starts, then asks us to go around the room and share our names. Eventually, she gets to me and then a boy down the aisle from me. He sits slightly slouching, his purple shirt wrinkled as if pulled out of a basket in a rush. His brown hair lightly highlighted, brown eyes hazed with sleepiness.

"Galen Rune," his voice soothing over my irritation from the other classmates. Running a hand through his slightly wavy hair, I watch him start picking at his thumb. I can see right through his tough guy facade, he is just as nervous as the rest of us. I continue to watch him, analyzing his every move soon feeling someone gazing at me. Cole. I turn over my shoulder making eye contact, then pull out my laptop in order to pull up the syllabus for this class. I attempt to ignore the feeling of being watched over my shoulder as the teacher reads through everything and explains. She is an artist, that performs at a bar not too far from school. I smile, hoping someday be as confident as her to be able to do that.

"Everybody follow me, I want to show you the music rooms." I slowly get up, not wanting to seem too eager. Hearing Cole start yapping about something I don't care about.

"He must not like silence, he won't stop talking."  I whisper to Galen, who somehow ended up next me. 

"Yea, there are some" he pauses, "Interesting people in this program"

"I agree." We then continue to walk in silence.

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