CH-1: The End and The Beginning

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Year 3269. Explosions that can be seen from the space is happening all over the world. Aliens known as "QUADRIS" ravaging the surface of earth as their last all-out assault against the humanity. They see us as a food like the countless other races which have been wiped out by them during their conquest of the universe to alleviate their hunger.

I am the last survivor. Every animal and human, even an unborn baby was munched down till nothing is left. The only reason I am still alive and able to fight against them after so many years is because my A.I TESSA, helping to fight those damn bastards with the help of nanobots.

Quadri's technology is more advance than the nanobots. I am surrounded, I can see 5 Quadris fighting with each other for my torn off leg to devour. My force field armor is down, low on nanobots and without much energy left.

"This is it, huh"

With my heavy breathing and shooting the quadris with my pistol while lying against the rubble with one leg and heavy bleeding. I decided to take at least few of them with me.

"Tess, gather all the nanobots in my heart and make a nuclear blast. I am sorry but this the good bye my friend."

Tessa with calm voice – "Thank you for being my maste-no, a good friend. I hope to see you on the other side, if God permits A.I though". With an chuckle to end her last words to me.

All the remaining nanobots started to move towards my heart and started to heat up. It was unbearable pain but with the peace at the end of it.

Light started to come out of every hole on my body, even from the torn of leg. The nuclear blast finally occurs with wiping out the surrounding Quadris which are few of the unfathomable many.

My consciousness is drifting away, but I still feel little bit of heat in my heart. I am seeing a bright star far away, or is it the light at the end of tunnel.

Suddenly the light shone so bright that even my ear started ringing and then it turned into pitch black with no sound. Heck even thinking in my head is like someone is shouting with loudspeaker near me.

I woke up on ground filled with soft grass and trees surrounding me. I guess i am in forest or something like that.

"Is this the afterlife somewhere in God's backyard or something?"

A sweet voice ringed in my head.

"Good morning, DEV"

It was Tessa voice. Looks like gods really do exists and permitted Tessa in the afterlife with me.

But soon Tessa spoke up in serious and worrying tone.

"The nuclear blast using your heart as the core and meeting with Quadris portal nearby caused the space and time anomaly. I can sense the disturbance of space-time flow and a new type of energy ambient in the environment. I doubt that this is the afterlife, Dev"

What? Did I go back in time to the past earth?

I stood up but noticed that my view height is less than before. Even my body feels less muscular.

"Upon inspection of your body, it seems like your body is of 17-year-old teenager. I believe this is due to the space-time anomaly." Tess spoke up in my mind while syncing up with my teenage body.

"Time to look around a bit and greet the god"

I started wondering around in the forest while Tessa keeps giving me updates.

"Nanobots are at 10% of the original quantity. You can't rely on nanobots until we can find more metal to create more nanobots"

"You think God will give us metal? Well, where the hell even is he?"

As I was talking with Tessa, I heard scream of a girl echoing in the forest.

"What the-, Tess find the source of the scream ASAP"

"3 O'clock about 200 meters, redirecting all nanobots onto the legs"

I ran towards the scream and soon reached the source of the girl's scream. I saw something which I have never seen before.

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