CH-2: Locked up in cage

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A large figure about 8 meters tall. With four arms and two legs, 8 red eyes filled with bloodlust and focused on something on the ground. It was a little girl about 7-year-old. Malnourished and with long pointy ears like you find one in fantasy world stories.

The 8-eyed beast started marching towards the little girl with drool dropping out of its mouth. It looked like hungry bear who has been starving for weeks finally found honey dipped fish laid before his eyes.

"Distributing nanobots throughout the body for close combat" said Tessa as she understood what needed to be done.

I jumped towards the 8-eyed beast with the intention of knocking out one of its legs to make it fall but the beast with his wide range of vision saw me and swing its claws towards me. I reacted as well and dodged the wide swing by going under its arms. With my full power enhanced together with nanobots, I did uppercut on the elbow of one of its arms.

I felt great pain as my body is untrained and weak but still managed to continue the fight.

I retreated back and got the full attention of the beast. The beast let out a ear piercing roar as its elbow got cracked and bone started poking out of it.

" One down, 3 more to go"

"I believe shooting at the head with velocity bullet will do the work. No need to show off with your lossy body" Tess replied instantly.

Annoyed with Tessa reply, I took few steps back and ordered Tessa to start preparation.

Pointing my index and middle finger like in act of making gun, the nanobots came out of my finger and joined together to make a barrel with nanobot bullets inside of it. I charged my electromagnetic finger railgun, I took the shot at the head. The bullet penetrated the head and nanobots dispersed to destroy the brain internally.

The beast fell down and this fight was over under 2 minutes. I turned to look at the girl who was bleeding heavily from the leg and with eyes filled with fear and tears.

I rushed towards the girl but she took few steps away from while staying on the ground. With trembling voice the girl kept saying "ste wy". I could not understand what she is saying, neither could Tessa.

But the girl was bleeding heavily and didn't have much time to save her. As I got closer, she closed her eyes out of fear and started screaming. I guess the pain is getting worse. I put one hand on the wound on the leg and other in the air towards the beast. The nanobots flying out of the beast head came on my hand got absorbed while I injected 8% of my nanobots in her leg while keeping 2% on me.

The nanobots on her body stopped the bleeding and started to heal her wound. The pain dissipated and girl realized that her leg is getting better. She looked me in the eyes with confusion and fear. I smiled gently at her and patted her head. The fear vanished from her eyes but confusion still remained. I saw her bag filled with red and orange berries. I took the bag and gave it to her. she smiled brightly as she was relieved that her berries are safe.

Looking at her smile I asked her if she can understand me but all she gave me was a confused look. She put her hand in her bag and gave me few berries. We cannot communicate with words but it looks I can taste the other worldy berries.

She then stood up, perfectly fine as nothing ever happened to her leg. She pointed towards herself and kept saying "ASTIA". I guess that's her name so I also did the same and told her my name DEV.

She started to lead me in the forest as she knew where she is going. I guessed it was pretty much her town or a village. The nanobots sneakily came out of back of her neck nape and flew back into my body.

After 20 minutes of walking, We came out of the woods and saw little village, with poorly built house made up of woods and grass that can break apart by wolf's breath blow.

The seemingly guard at the gate noticed us and ran towards us while shouting. I guess they are worried about little girl so I stood still while holding onto Astia little hand. Several guards surround us and they pointed spear at my neck.

"what the heck, why are you guys pointing your spear at me". I shouted, asking for reason.

Tessa replied. "They cannot understand you, remember? Anyway, going into combat mode"

As I was telling to only defend against incoming attack and let them make the first move, a girl who looked similar to Astia came out of the gate. Same pointy ears with beautiful face but malnourished like everyone else around here, she hit my hand and took away Astia away and started checking her body.

With look of relief, she hugged Astia and then set her fiery gaze at me. Astia yelling at everyone, something that I cannot understand yet. The guards with their gesture took me inside the village locked me up in a cage made up of metal.

"What kind of village is this where you get thrown in the jail for saving a pointy eared girl. This place sucks"

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