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The sun is setting down and night is growing stronger. I simply laid down on my back with my one leg on the other and my hand at the back of my head like a pillow. Talking with Tessa in my mind, the guard seems to be relaxed as I am not awake in his eyes.

"Tessa, you can hollow out the metal from the inside and start making more nanobots. Make sure to do it as such they don't notice the cage being weak and destroyed from the inside."

"Understood" said Tessa.

While the guard keeping the eye on me is sleeping and snoring like tractor in the field, I saw Astia sneakily coming close to me with a bowl in her hand. After getting passed the guard, Astia passed the bowl through the metal bars and nodded. It was a bowl with a very little food, a normal adult can barely keep up for a day with this amount of food. But I gracefully accepted it because they are already low on food as all of them are malnourished.

I ate the food and gave the bowl back when suddenly Astia small hand grabbed onto my hand and she smiled.

"Kid's smile really fills the heart"

"Certainly" said Tessa.

Astia went back to her home after waving at me from the distance.

I went to sleep and soon came the morning with birds chirping from the tree, the villagers talking with each other and the guard keeping a close eye at me.

"Yo Tess, are nanobots ready yet?"

I asked Tessa while yawning.

"With this low quality metal, I can only increase the total amount by 0.3%."

"Well its better than nothing"

As I was just chilling in my cage abode, I started to hear multiple stepping sound of legs, like a herd of animal is rushing. The guards shouted and everyone are running away in the opposite direction.

Soon came the 17 men on the horse with swords and spears. Few of them run towards the fleeing villagers and round them up. They look like bandits who came for the loot and take life. While the weak guards tried to fight against them, they couldn't even bring one guy down.

Everyone were rounded up at the centre of the village. The bandits and dragged out many females including the girl who hugged Astia. They started ripping off their cloths as they are going to violet them in front of the villagers. The men were beaten up so much they cant even stand up to fight against them. Old villagers and kids have no power.

Astia run towards the bandit to stop them ripping the cloths of the girl she knew but she was kicked in the face so bad that she fainted with few broken tooth and bleeding nose right in front of the girl she tried to save.

Knowing what has to be done, I ripped off the metal bar and threw it like a javelin towards the bandit who kicked astia in the face.

The metal bar pierced the head and went through it and got stuck on the tree behind. Everyone was shocked and they all looked towards me. With me emanating intense bloodlust, every bandit started run towards me with their weapon as they had no choice but to kill me on the spot.

With my body being in combat mode and suppressing the extreme pain. I started to fight against all the remaining 16 bandits. Tessa had every martial arts of earth analyzed and optimized for my body. With my 'weird' martial arts that no one saw in this world, I defeated all of them one by one and put little bit of my nanobots in them. Making them paralyzed and fight being over soon. I ran towards Astia who was in bad shape with her face wrecked. I put my hand over her face and put almost all of my nanobots inside her. The nanobots began to suppress the pain and healing her body. While she was getting healed, I took of my jacket and put it on the Astia friend who was holding her and crying.

With nanobots gone, extreme pain which was suppressed before started to rose up but I keep walking with sheer will and anger. I ordered Tess to get all information out of the bandit's mind and start destroying their brain after. Giving them hallucination and pain according to their atrocities committed and ultimately death.

I started to gather up all the bandits in the corner of the village. Everyone is shocked, in fear, still trembling from the bandit's attacks. And also from my bloodlust.

As I was done, Astia woke up and was hugged by the girl who had my jacket. According to Tessa, the body is 95% healed and rest can be healed by it's own. Nanobots came out of her hand like a black mist and got absorbed into me as I walked towards the girls. Everyone was shocked and staring at me with the eyes of doubt and fear. I picked up the flower I found on the ground near girls and gave it to Astia with a smile and went back to my so called cage abode.

The crescent moon came up, everyone is inside their house recovering except few guards at the gate and surprisingly there wasn't any guard keeping near my cage.

The girl who cried while holding Astia in the evening came to me and said something which I obviously could not understand. She grabbed my hand and calmy tried to pull me outside the cage. She took me to her home and as I entered, Astia came running towards me and hugged my leg with bright smile. I did what i got to do, I patted her head.

I received notification from Tessa that information extraction is complete.

"The bandits are dealt with and all the information is extracted. According to my analysis, this is a different world 'Asteria' with the usage of the ambient energy known as 'mana' for 'magic' to control world phenomenon. Native language of this world is also extracted and transfer has began."

With the end of the message my eyes became blurry and I felled on one of my knee.

With the girls worried some expression, I could now understand what they are saying.

"Its okay, I am just little tired". As I said these words in the native language of this world, the girls were shocked and asked how can I speak now.

Dev: "I just got bit of my memory back so I am able to speak now. Thanks for taking care of me."

Astia: "are you okay now, brother Dev?"

Dev: "yeah I am good now"

Astia friend: "thank you for saving me and my little sister from these bandits."

Dev: "it was natural thing for me to do. By the way, are villagers okay? If they have any wounds, I can heal them up to an extent."

"Everyone is okay now thanks to you" as she said that with a smile, Astia gave me some food in bowl.

Astia: "food for you, brother"

Dev: "thank you Astia"

Seeing as how much little food was there in a bowl, Astia sister said while feeling ashamed.

"I am sorry but this is the only much food we can give. Our village is suffering from famine and we don't have much food stored in stock"

Dev: "its okay. Umm... may I know your name?"

Astia sister: " I a-am sorry. I forgot to properly introduce myself. I am Lucia Elfrieda and she is my little sister, Astia Elfrieda"

Dev: " Nice to meet both of you, I am Dev"

After talking with each for some time, we went to sleep on floor with Astia sticking close to my arm and falling asleep immediately.

Lucia: "I apologize for my sister, she is disturbing you while you are so much tired"

Dev: "Its okay, she is scared and sleeping while sticking close to my arm, might give her sense of security"

Lucia with a smile closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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