02 . The Research: Where & Who are You?

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+ The Last chapter is revamped. So imagine that fighting scene but with Blitzo: Tex is replaced by Blitzo, as he and Verosika are in a relationship. This part of the story is taken during their time together.


"Something as small as that can live in Hell?"

"If we have Cherubs, they have Imps. That's how it goes."

"Are you trying again tonight? Not sure if they'll be there again. I only know they come there on weekends."

    "Of course, I told the boss I would. You know me, everyone does." Bicking myself up from the bench, and I put my blazer on.

I turn to my colleague. "Do you?"

     My gaze cuaght him off-guard, he puts his hands up and shook his head. "Of course. But I'm implying that everyone can take a break and—"

     "It doesn't seem like it." For what has been started, it has to be finished. I leave the medical room and walk to the flight runway, as the smaller angel tells me to stop, insisting that I rest and try again another time.

     "You've got to be kidding me!"

     "Nope." I watch his face turn into disappointment as he watched me take off into the bright sky of heaven, sliting a portal into the air to Hell.

{ ~ VVV ~ }

The Pride Ring is a busy place, specifically the capital where the big clock tower stands. I stay and lay there, this roof is like my birds nest. I always lay on the same spot, the edge of the tower, laying on my side and wings spread. One wing resting on the roof, and one dangling off of the ledge. It has always been like this, I never get bored waiting as I rest. I never fear the inches away from the height, I rest my eyes sometimes beside the nothingness.

Now, as I lay, I couldn't rest, as my mind is all over the events that took place last night. All I thought was 'I don't know where and who she is'. The fact that I didn't come home with a goal shamed me. I couldn't let it happen.

Thus, I guess to start everything here, looking at the busy streets of the Pride Ring, thinking about the demon Ms.Mayday. I remember that she has straight bangs that cut above her expressive eyebrows and a purple dress. And her eyes. I never knew pink could be an evil color until that night.

I scrawl remembering her getting away from me.

I let a deep breath out and sit up, putting my head on my folded knee.

Excuse my informalities, but last night simply sucked.

    Thud! I feel two light and small pressure land on my shoulder, making me pick my head up and turn my head to it. A small demonic bird picks strands of my hair as it rests on me.

    "...Gross," I whispered under my breath, flicking the disgusting creature away, which reminds me of the red demon that attacked me.

    Inhaling the brutal honesty in the air, I stand up and rub my face in frustration. Lust Ring, the Lust Ring...Those two words repeat in my head.

His Angel, Her Sin | Verosika Mayday x Male! Angel! OCWhere stories live. Discover now