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My senses come back in pieces, first my hearing, then touch, then smell, then taste, and finally, sight and full consciousness. Everything is too bright. I lean up quickly and immediately fall backward. I catch myself on the sides of the bed, I lean my elbow on my thigh and lean my head in my hands. I look around and scan my surroundings, it's a normal hospital room. White walls with white concrete and white furniture and white drapes over the window. Light is spilling out from the edges of the drapes.

Bloody hell why is everything so bright? Then I move on to examining myself. I look relatively normal, my already pale skin has lightened by a couple of shades, and I'm still skinny and boney as before, I feel sick as hell. Then my attention is drawn to my left arm.

Mother of the world.

It's completely covered in purple and yellow blotches of bruises, and there's a distinct bulging purple vein that stands out from everything else. I touch two fingers to the vein and immediately thrust my hand back.

What the hell why is it writhing!?

I make an auditory sound of disgust, very loudly.

Somebody I can't see snickers. I look around quickly, but I can't see a single living thing, just white.

Then the door opens, and a finely dressed gentleman walks in. Well, finely dressed for nurse scrubs. He gives me a bright smile before he starts, "Hello there, Ather! My name is Jaimey and I'll be your nurse from here on out."

I was kind of nervous, but his smile made me smile too despite myself, "Thank you, Jaimey. But um, I have a question if that's okay"

"Sure! Ask me anything!"

I hold up my bruised arm for him to inspect, "What the actual hell is this? And also, where am I? How long have I been here?"

Jaimey paused, a little shocked, pursed his lips, and answered with, "We aren't sure, you're at the Magnolia Blossom hospital, and you've been out currently for almost a week now. We thought you wouldn't wake up!" he smiled.

A week.

A week??

"Now I have a question for you."

I snapped my focus back to him

"Where are your parents? We haven't gotten a single call or visit."

"That's not surprising," I muttered just out of earshot.

He didn't seem to notice because he continued, "Well, in any case, I just came to check up on you now that you're awake."

Jaimey smiled again just before he turned and closed the door, rather loudly too. I sighed and slumped back down into my bed. I inspected my arm again, it was still pulsing, almost as if it had a life of its own. The dark black of the vein and the paper white of my skin made it look sickening. I didn't t to look at it any longer. I sighed again and dropped my arm by my side and turned to face the window. Exhaustion took over me and my eyes felt heavy with every passing second, soon I was knocked out again.


I woke up again, faster this time. The curtains were drawn but the sun was setting and only a few sunbeams shone through. I look over to my left and stare at the wall for a moment, then look down at my arm which was still very bruised. Suddenly the door flings open and Jaimey comes strolling through carrying a tray of suspicious-looking food, he's smiling and there's a little skip in every step.

"Good morning, Ather!" he singsongs as he places the food on my lap, I sit up.

"G'Mornin," I yawn.

I look down at the food, "What is this?"

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