To those with which it may concern

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Hi! I've been gone for a while, I'm not sure if it was noticed. I'm taking this down, going to make it better. I've started to notice the kinks in my story, and have started to dislike it and lose the spark to keep going. However! This is not over. My French skills have improved, and I've spent more time with the plot, so most of my major concerns with the story are already being fixed. I hope the re-release will be far better, this story started on a whim when I was in quarantine and also 13. So it was a bit cringe (shocker) I hope some of this small audience will stick with it when I start posting again.

I will be back, know that I am working extremely hard on this,
-L.J Aswell <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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