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My head feels light, and my body feels like it isn't even there.

I'm wading through a river of clouds, and everything is quiet. My eyes are closed, I can't see and all I can feel are the soft clouds running over me. Then, I hear a voice,

Wake up Ather, get up.

Then I fall. My eyes shoot open and I'm suddenly sitting in a field, as if the fall never even happened. Bright golden grass brushes against my legs and tickles my arms, there isn't a single sign of life in sight except for the numerous trees scattered around, yellow leaves becoming scattered and disorganized by a single breeze. I get up from my spot and wander the field until I find a small oasis. I sit myself down by the tree and stare down into the water, there are a couple of koi fish swimming around. Koi don't belong here, it's strange to see, they aren't even native to where I live, in Arksey city. Which in all honestly isn't the weirdest thing happening right now. I gaze at my reflection for a moment, when I notice a small thing behind me, which looks like a head. Out of curiosity (and because I seem to not fear death), I move my head to the left and see a large dark figure standing behind me. I quickly look behind me and I see the figure, they're clearer to see but they're cloaked and I can't see their face.

Then I woke up.

My alarm pulls me back into reality, and the crushing realization that I'm back in actual reality, at home, makes me groan loudly. Luckily I don't have to go to school yet, I just need to sleep until my injured concussion brain stops hurting and making me sick and dizzy. I don't feel like sleeping right now, I don't know what strange dream I'll have again. Let's not question reality right now I think as I take out my phone and start scrolling through some stuff. Yep, as I expected, all of my chats with friends are empty and barren, like nothing has changed. I sigh and put my phone on my bedside table and lay back down to try and get some more sleep.


The next day I feel a little bit better than before, so I decide I'll take this last day and then go back to school. This time I try getting up and walking around to try and get myself used to walking again, I don't feel as dizzy as before and I'm able to do rounds around the house. Luckily dad or mom isn't home.

I head to the kitchen and treat myself to a plain bowl of cereal and a glass of borderline-expired orange juice. It all tastes gross, my tastebuds forgot how to work I guess. When I'm done I put away my dishes and go and check the fridge again, it's pretty barren.

Should probably go to the store before any more of this stuff goes bad, or we starve I think as I slam the fridge door shut and head back to my room to change. I dress in my usual clothes, oversized hoodie, yellow beanie with a million pins on it, and dark blue jeans. I don't usually wear the beanie but with how my hair is now I'll make an exception.

I make my way to the front door, grab my keys mom gave me a few years ago, and head out. The store is only a few blocks away so it's a relatively short walk, but a nice one at least. I'm still groggy from waking up but I can see the store just up ahead, I cross the street and hear a loud screech and shout. I almost didn't see the car. Without thinking I grab the side mirror and lift myself up and leap over the car at an inhuman speed and hight and land perfectly fine on the other side. My ankles don't even hurt, and my ankles are always sore from the most mundane things. I turn back to the car, a black SUV, the driver rolls down their window and a shocked younger lady, probably twenty or so, stares back at me.

We stare for a moment in silence, "You okay kid?" she finally says, loudly. I nod.

"Okay...good," she mutters, her mouth still agape, and drives off.

Weird I think as I keep walking, not really thinking about what just happened.

Out of habit (and a more recent one, I should add) I pull down my long black sleeve and look at my weird bulging vein, which hasn't changed at all since I got it. I poke it lightly, still feels disgusting, it almost looks like it's wriggling in disgust when I touch it. Weirdly enough I don't feel anything when it moves, it doesn't move very fast but I at least expected to feel something. I shrug it off and roll my sleeve back down and pick up speed in my walking.

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