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I get home late, the streetlights are on by the time I enter, I took the more scenic route to try and make sure that weirdo didn't follow me. I rummage through my hoodie pockets and fish out my keys, unlock the door, and bolt for my room before any more people can try to talk to me. I mean, not like my parents would say anything to me just to fuck with me, they're never even home.

I shut the door hastily and strip off my clothes and change into a bright purple hoodie with a red smile on it, the complete opposite of how I'm feeling right now. I almost chuckle, changing from one hoodie to another hoodie. I can't even bare to look at myself in the mirror. I plop down into my bed, taking out my phone and trying to forget this whole day. Actually, forgetting my whole life altogether would be better but I'll settle for just today.


I woke up, unfortunately. I stumble out of bed and throw on a white collared shirt with a sweater and some random brown plaid pants I pulled out of the depths of my closet.

I tumble through the bathroom and then to the kitchen and I freeze, the view of dad sitting slumped at the table somewhat in view through the stair railings. I suck in a breath as I stare, not knowing what to do. A hand slides up and grabs a couple of tufts of hair almost instinctively as I try to slowly climb back up the stairs backwards while still staring at dad. Then suddenly the last thing that I wanted to happen, which is usually never a common thing for me, happens; the steps creak. Dad's head shoots up from the initial lonely gaze of complete focus on the empty kitchen table and focuses on the stairwell, then to the wall, which I managed to hide behind. I don't know why I'm hiding, dad's done nothing wrong, but here I am crouched on the steps behind a wall trying not to be seen like this is a horror movie. My heart is beating faster, too much for my chest to handle and soon it results in shaky hands and cold fingertips. My breathing gets faster as I wait silently for dad to go back to what he was doing, which he does a few minutes later. I hear him get up from his chair, saunter through the living room- grabbing his things he left on a chair- and then exits the door and leaves for work. When the door closes and locks, a loud exhale escapes my mouth. I had never even noticed I was holding my breath. I stand up and make my way down the stairs properly this time and enter the kitchen, where I promptly skip breakfast. Out of groceries already? I sigh, frown, then shut the fridge door.

I pack my bag and leave the house, not before checking to make sure dad was actually gone.


I sit down at my desk, everyone is still loud and I can feel the need to scratch my ears off rising up in my stomach. But I don't act on it. I try to drown it all out until suddenly there's movement and a thud beside me, I look over and see weirdo. Great, the last person I wanted to see today. He grins and greets me, I don't greet him back and turn back to the front of the class as I try to ignore him. Lucky for me the teacher walks in and starts the class before he can say anything more. During class, he tries to quietly ask me questions or start conversations and I try to not answer a single thing.

After class, I stand up, grab my bag, and try to leave as fast as possible. But I can hear the thumping of heavier feet following me and I don't look behind because I can already picture his stupid grinning face. And despite all of the energy I took to try and will myself to not look, I turn and stare him straight in the eyes.

And he is grinning. It's a wide smile, but not horrible, no teeth or gums stick out, there's no yellow teeth. It's an almost perfect smile, or- at least after I turned to him- a perfect grin. He shifts his stance and light from one of many obnoxiously placed school windows hits his eyes, the originally simple jade colour of his eyes becomes almost an emerald green. At least from what I can see despite the sufficient distance between us. Because he's finally standing still for once since we met, I can get a good look at him. Brown pants and a darker brown knitted open jacket with a blue white-stripped shirt and black hightops. All earthy, a weird choice for a personality like his.

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