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Fanart by @cryptid_Steam on Instagram

Karl POV

"Fuck" Karl groaned before eventually rolling out of bed. Today was the first day of his senior year and they went back on a Thursday, a Fucking Thursday. He got up and stood in front of his closet, which in all honesty was practically empty at that point, trying to decide what to wear. In the end, he ended up just tossing on his football jacket over a white T-shirt, and a pair of black ripped jeans then going to his bathroom to finish getting ready.

He laid back down on his bed, he knew he had enough time to do a quick coat of black nail polish before he left, but he decided against it. Instead he laid there for another twenty minutes before putting on his shoes and walking downstairs. His mother was in the kitchen cooking him breakfast for school, he didn't normally eat the breakfast she made for him, but he never had the heart to tell her. He quickly grabbed a couple waffles as he called Sapnap.

"Hey Sap I'm headed to pick you up now" Karl started, yawning halfway through

"I actually don't need a ride today, I'm walking with George" Sapnap had whispered that second part but Karl still heard him.

"You've been hanging out with George a lot lately, haven't you" Karl said laughing slightly

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Karl could hear him blushing through the phone.

"Yeah, definitely" Karl sarcastically replied as he walked out the door. Sapnap laughed at his tone, still blushing slightly.

"Well since you ditched me I guess I'll get to school early" He continues, "I gotta go, don't wanna be on the phone while I'm driving"

"Alright Bye-" Sapnap started before being cut off by the hang up tone of the phone.

Karl finally got into his clean silver car, and started listening to his music as he left for the school.

Dream POV

Dream stood staring into his locker, honestly he was exhausted, he had no idea what compelled him to leave for school so early that day. Maybe it was because he wanted to know what period he would have PE, or because he wanted to avoid the eyes of "Big man" Karl Jacobs and his best friend Sapnap, two of the most beloved members of Valley High's football team. But no matter what it was, the second he walked through the door he regretted it.

He looked to the entrance when he heard someone walk in. Honestly up until he saw their face he thought nothing of it, but then he noticed who it was. Karl Jacobs, Walking into the building, nearly an hour early and all by himself, a sight no one ever thought they would see, especially not on the first day of Senior year.

"Fuck" Dream whispered as he slammed his locker shut.

He walked away quickly, not wanting to interact with Karl. Sure Karl had never done anything to him personally, but the boy had a reputation, and it was one Dream expected he would uphold even when only one other person was around.

The phrase 'Where do I go?' repeated in his head over and over again until he finally walked into the bathroom.

Dream stared at himself in the mirror. He wasn't Unattractive but he had never had a girlfriend. Although if he was honest he never really wanted one. His sophomore year around two or three girls tried to date him but he denied them. It was just never something he wanted. He was in decent shape, but he never did any sports which meant this year he would have to take PE, which wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't second period. He moved on from thinking about PE and instead thought about the events of that morning.

'Why did he walk in all by himself'

'Where was Sapnap'

'Why was he here so early'

He stopped himself from thinking about it. He knew if he didn't eventually he would try to ask for the answers and he didn't want that. So to keep his mind off of the weird circumstances of Karl's early morning arrival, he decided to talk to his guidance counselor about how he could get out of taking PE.

Once he got to the office he sat down and began the important conversation.

"Sir, is there any possible way for me to not take PE this year" Dream started simply

"Clay-" the counselor started before Dream interrupted him.

"Dream" Dream corrected

"Sorry, Dream" The counselor continued "The only way for you to not partake in PE this year is if you choose to play a sport, You can have up to a week to decide if that's what you want to do, before you are no longer able to stop taking that class"

"What sports are an option for me this year?" Dream asked, hoping the answer wasn't just football.

The counselor looked at a sheet he had in front of him before saying "the only options for you would be Football, Swim, or Cheerleading"

Dream grimaced, knowing that none of those seemed all that appealing to him. Male cheer uniforms always looked much less comfortable than the skirts did, and he was never a big fan of water. He despised football so he knew that would not be an option for him.

"I can see that none of those sound appealing to you, but my advice is if you really don't want to take this class, at least consider one of them" The counselor said after a long silence.

Dream stood up and said "I will" as he walked out of the office deciding to go to his first period class where he could hopefully get a moment to think before more students started to arrive.

He walked in and sat down, not really looking around the room that much, until he heard his name being called.

"Clay, you have assigned seats for my class" It was his first period teacher, Mr. Camp

"It's Dream, not Clay" Dream started "where do I sit?"

Mr. Camp replied with "right here, next to Karl"


'Of all people why him'

Dream silently sat down next to Karl who he had only just noticed was already in the room.

"Why the hell are you here so early? And where's Sapnap, he's always with you?" Dream asked Karl rather annoyed

"Dream, in all honesty, It's not your business, so fuck off" Karl snapped flipping him off before just turning back to his phone.

After that Dream just sat silently waiting for the day to actually start.

Word Count 1068

I hope you enjoyed chapter one. It was honestly really fun to write. I hope you continue to read.

Eat something, even if its small, and remember to drink water <3

My Dream CheerleaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz