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Fanart by @lliverboi on Instagram

Dream POV

Class eventually started and only one other person sat in the same group of desks as Dream and Karl. They were pretty sure her name was Leah, but they weren't certain. Everyone else in the room talked quite a lot but their group of desks was practically silent.

Dream started to feel uncomfortable with his desk situation, every once and a while he would look over to Karl, who still looked pretty irritated either with Dream or something else. They were supposed to be doing an assignment with their own take on the "roses are red violets are blue, poem" but Dream was struggling.

roses are red, violets are blue, I got here early, and Karl did too, Dream quickly erased it, and tried to write something different

'That's lame'

roses are red, violets are vile, I said something, and it upset Karl, Dream erased that one too everything he thought of had to do with Karl.

roses are red, violets look starry, I was dumb, and I'm sorry, at this point Dream just wrote whatever he thought of and then turned it in.

Mr. Camp decided he would read all of the poems out loud which made Dream feel a bit awkward. After a while he had gotten to Leah's,

"Roses are red, violets make me panic, I'm tired of saying, I'm not Hispanic" Almost everyone started laughing, and Karl finally said something,

"Are you Hispanic?" Karl laughed while he said it, which led to Leah rolling her eyes and laughing as well.

Mr. Camp spoke again "Karl says, Violets are blue, roses are prickly, I got here early, because my friend ditched me" Karl looked at Dream when Mr. Camp finished talking, and Dream just made a face of mild realization before returning his focus back to Mr. Camp.

"I Guess Dream's is our last poem, roses are red, Violets look starry, I was dumb, and I'm sorry" Karl quietly laughed after Mr. Camp finished reading Dreams poem, and looked at him again. Dream looked at Karl and smiled awkwardly, hoping that he understood the apology was for him. Karl smiled and rolled his eyes before flipping him off again, laughing.

'Maybe Karl isn't as bad as everyone said he is' It was the last thought Dream had before Mr. Camp began talking again.

"Today was just an example of the kind of work you'll be doing all year. Our first big project will be studying and writing scripts. You will be working in the groups that your desks are put in, I'll email you all your scripts tonight. I recommend getting started tonight."

'Great, a project assigned on the first day of school, and with two people I've only ever talked to once? I doubt this is gonna go well' It was all Dream could think of, he worried that someone would drop the class, or ditch the group and it would become significantly more difficult. But nevertheless he still exchanged phone numbers with the other two members of the group as he left the class.

Karl POV

As Karl walked out of class he thought about the poems that Mr. Camp read. He mainly thought about Dreams.

'Why did he apologize? I was the one who was being a dick'. Karl knew that Dream never meant to be nosy or rude, it was genuinely strange to see him show up to the school that early, especially alone.

He eventually made it to his locker which was where he was supposed to meet Sapnap but his best friend wasn't there. He waited there for probably five more minutes before he started walking to his next class. As he walked he pulled out his phone and texted Sapnap.

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