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Fanart by @terachu_miu on Instagram 

Karl POV 

Karl drove home completely silent, he almost always had music playing as he drove home but not this time. he just needed  to think, so much had happened that day and he didn't quite know how to process it. He knew that he was being a dick to Dream, but after the events at lunch he didn't really care anymore. Dream didn't need to react like that the second he saw Karl sit down.

'Dream just fucking overreacted' Karl knew he was angry, but other than that his feelings were unknown.

'Dream jut needs to fuck off' Karl was tired of Dream, they had just met and he was tired of him.

'If I have to work with Dream for the next nine weeks he'll need to stop being such a fucking bitch" Karl was gonna give Dream one chance to get over himself. If he didn't Karl planned to make his life hell.

What seemed like hundreds of other thoughts swirled in Karl's head during his drive home. He knew his mom was gonna be pissed when she found out he left school early. He knew going home probably wasn't the best choice at the moment, a screaming match in the middle of a cafeteria rarely left someone in a good mental state. 

Karl spent nearly twenty minutes driving home, he had started to cool off and he wasn't nearly as angry as before. Driving always relaxed him so he wasn't surprised that he was starting to calm down a bit. He was definitely still angry, but he was doing much better. As he got out of his car he checked the time, he knew that seventh period was starting so there was around another hour left of the day. Karl knew that Dream and Leah both had one more class with him so they would know he wasn't there, and he was certain they would know exactly why.

Once Karl got inside his house, he walked to his kitchen, the downside to leaving when he did was that he hadn't eaten at all that day. Even though he took some of the breakfast him mom made for him, he didn't eat it. So he looked in his fridge trying to find something to eat, before deciding to just make a sandwich. He made his sandwich and took his plate up to his room, he didn't want to be downstairs when his mom got home, even if she didn't know he came home early, he would still feel uncomfortable when she got there. 

Once Karl was in his room, he texted Leah.

Leah 🥴

hey Leah 

lets work on the project at my house tonight.

karl where the hell are you?!?

Im at home

I left after you and Dream stormed out of the cafeteria

so you just left???

that's dumb

leah idc if it was dumb 

I didnt think it was a good idea to stay

whatever man, i guess ill see you tonight then

just remember to send me your address

I will

Read 12:45 pm

Karl didn't really know what to expect, he wanted to tell Leah to say to Dream that they were meeting at her house, but he forgot to ask. He decided he would just text her when he sent her his address.

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