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Fanart by @sebbyyyn on Instagram

Karl POV

When Karl woke up that morning he was incredibly confused, he looked around and he didn't recognize his surroundings. The last thing he can remember is falling asleep in his car, he knows he never went home that much was obvious. He tried to recall the rest of the events from the night before, he knew Dream came by and they worked on their project, and then he took Dream home but past that everything was a blur.

Karl assumed that he was probably brought inside by Dream, it was the only logical way he could've gotten inside. He appreciated that Dream took the time to get him inside, but he didn't get a lot of time to think before Dream busted into the room.

"Yo Asshole, get up we're going to school at the same time as yesterday" Dream was shouting, he didn't sound angry he was just loud.

"Dream, first of all, shut the fuck up it's too early to be this loud. And two, I kinda need to shower and change, and I don't have any of my clothes." Karl had only just realized that he would probably need to go home if he wanted to get ready.

"You can shower here, and I probably have something you can wear today," Karl appreciated Dream's offer, he also appreciated that Dream wasn't yelling anymore.

Karl followed Dream into his room so that he could borrow something to wear, his room was nice, he had a nice desk setup in the corner with a nice PC, and he had a pretty big closet. His bed was big, and his walls were a nice shade of green. Karl had gotten lost in thought as he was looking around, so when Dream called his name he was slightly startled.

Dream had given Karl a pair of black ripped jeans, and a black sweatshirt with a band logo on it. Karl had walked into the guest bathroom so that he could take a shower, while Dream laid on the bed in the guest room waiting for him.

Karl turned on the water and waited for it to warm up, before he got into the shower. When the water hit his skin his muscles instantly relaxed, it was always a reminder of how hard football was on his body. He let his mind wander as he continued to shower, he rinsed his hair and turned off the water before getting out.

Karl was about to get dressed when he realized he had accidentally dropped his sweatshirt outside the bathroom. He wrapped the towel around his waist so that he could go back into the room to get changed, he had forgotten Dream was waiting in the room on the bed.

Karl walked back out into the room, he felt eyes on him as he grabbed the Sweatshirt off the ground. He turned around to see Dream wide eyed staring at Karl.

"Shit, uhh I forgot you were in here" Karl stuttered slightly which was something he wasn't familiar with.

"It's fine, I probably should have said something instead of staring," Dream was also stuttering, but his was much less subtle, it was clearly a very awkward experience.

"Oh, you were staring?" Karl had decided that adopting a slightly flirty tone would be funny, he knew it didn't mean anything, after all he was straight.

"N-no, I wasn't" Dream was blushing, Karl could tell he was embarrassed which was kind of the point.

"You just said you were" Karl decided to try and act as flirty as he could, all he had to do was pretend Dream was a cute girl, so as he said this he slowed his speech and started to walk closer to Dream, who was still sitting on the bed.

"I can see you blushing Dream" Karl, was talking slowly and quietly, he had gotten significantly closer to Dream.

Karl leaned down as close to Dream as he could and whispered in his ear, "You just couldn't keep your eyes off me, could you" after he moved away from Dream's ear their faces were nearly touching, they could feel each other breathing. At this point, Dream had gone completely red, so Karl backed up again laughing.

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