Don't mess with 'em kids bro

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Author note : this is a kindergarten A.U. (alternate universe) , but not the one from my other book , that one has nothing to do with this one

Anyway , Nay Nay , HIT IT-

*pokemon intro starts playing*

Nah jk jk

<Nay Nay's P.O.V.>

Ahh , the first day of kindergarden

Amazing days weren't they?

Not having a care in the world , playing and having fun was all you could do beacause our fragile bodies couldn't handle anything else..

Well , today we have a cute little red-head joining a verry cozy and welcoming kindergarden

He wasn't neither excided no'r scared to start kindergarden , he was mostly neutral about it

He has gone from home schooling to going to an actual public place to learn , wich would be a verry big thing in a lot of people's lives who happened to be in the same circumstances but Akashi didn't give a crap about it

If he learns he learns , that's all he cares about

Knowing that his father will make him the next Akashi to rule the Akashi corporation he had to study hard and be a good heir

He was a child after all , so he liked it when his father hugged or praised him about being a good kid like any other would

So he went to school thinking that he would learn , and that's it.

But he didn't know that he would meet a certain kid there that would change his intake on his new kindergarden

So lets see what happened while he was on his way there


Kuroko was , of course , one of the kids that the teachers had too be carefull with

He was both short and weak

The teachers could step on him and kill him if they weren't carefull

And he was verry quiet , so the teachers really had to look at him at all times bc he wouldn't call out when he would be hurt

The teachers , ofc , loved the little bluenette , he was one of the more normal kids in their care and he was verry polite too , wich adult would hate such a kid?

And they thought his blunt remarks were hilarious

Anyway , Kuroko was minding his own buisness when the teacher anounced that there will be a new student that will join their class from today onwards

Kuroko was , even if it might not be visible on his face , excited and interested to see the new kid , maybe not befriend them bc of his low presence , but there were posibilities that the new kid wont mind his weak presence and befriend him

He didn't have any friends so he was always expecting that one day , one of the kids who transfered in his class would notice and talk to him

Looks like the new kid is going to enter the classroom , so lets get back to him , shall we?


Akashi went insise the building and whent towards one of the classes that had the name his father told him that would be his class , wich was class Seizan

Once he stepped foot through the door way , his vision was filled with multiple kids asking him questions like "what's your name?" Or "were are you from?"

The teacher , noticing his shock , shooed the flock of kids back to their seats to let the new kid talk

Akashi steps infront of the class and presents himself

-Hello , my name is Akashi Seijuuro , i am pleased to meet all of you . Says the child , with a small smile on his face

Akashi looks around to take a closer look at all the kids

Surelly enough , as you may have expected , he noticed a tuft of blue on one of the suposed "empty" seats

With further inspection , he noticed that the seat isnt empty , and its ocupied by a verry cute blue haired child who was staring right back at Akashi with wide eyes

That's when Akashi noticed that he has been staring so he looked the other way , his face a little pink , and went to the other , ACTUAL empty seat and sat down

Akashi knew that his kidnergardener life would take a turn for the better when he saw those big blue eyes

He knew that suposed person who posesses said eyes was going to make a big impact on his life

And he was actually feeling quite elated when thinking of befriending the adorable being siting a few seats away from him

/reeces time\

Akashi was , ofc , looking for the bluenette wonder he saw in his class to do what he proposed himself to do

While the said child was actually not outside with the others where the redhead was searching

Kuroko was still in the class looking at everyone play through the window while looking at a picture book wich was laid before his verry eyes to keep him ocupied from time to time

Akashi , becoming desperate looked even more through the playground for the kid untill he FINALLY noticed the blurr of light blue (he had looked over poor Kuroko like 20 times already
A/N : he was supposed to be absolute)

Excited , he ran back in the classroom while Kuroko was startled about the fact that Akashi was coming for the class at a marathon runner pace ( A/N : Akashi's legs go brrrr)

Akashi , "GENTLY" opened the door with a odly sweet smile

The kid clossed the door at launched himself at Kuroko

Akashi , verry happy said calmly (A/N : ik it don't make sense but thats wut he did):

-You are mine now so you have to play with me

Akashi glared at the poor boy after saying that to warn him not to disobey his wishes



Akashi dragged Kuroko everywhere after that

Kuroko had to always be by Akashi's side due to Akashi's "request"

And at home , ofc Akashi was only "Kuroko this.." and "Kuroko that"

So , his parents finally decided to enter the kindergarden to see the kid their son has been obsesing ab

They didn't expect the kid to be so tiny and , oddly so , cute

Akashi and him were totall opposites

But they knew that Akashi found the perfect someone once the teacher said that Kuroko has to go

Bc Akashi HISSED

He HISSED at the teacher

Akashi Shiori:
-That's what u always did when we were kids , remember?But it was more of a bark , like a verry VERRY puppy like bark

Akashi Masaomi:
-I was all bite no bark , i have no ideea why you are implying things that are not true..

Akashi Shiori:
-Yes you were verry bite , so bite that the teachers put a mussle on you.

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