Kuroko gave birth to a child

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<Nay Nay's P.O.V.>

We all know that Kuroko's cooking isn't any betters than Riko's

But , i had no ideea it could be this bad-

And trust me when i say

Not even the almighty know it all didn't.

I am sure you are wondering why i am talking about this , so i'm going to do a small recap on what happened a few moments ago-


Kuroko tried to cook in Akashi apartament.

/end of recap\

That's kinda it really-

Anyway , let's go see what Kurolo is doing at the moment

<Kuroko's P.O.V.>


This was not suposed to happen...

How did i even manage to do this-


<Nay Nay's P.O.V.>


I-*cough cough*



Well , Kuroko was trying to make dinner for him and Akashi for when he gets back

He wanted to try and make a romantic dinner

And what better dish for such an event than pasta...

But that certainly does look like pasta but-

I don't think pasta should be able to crawl around..


Kuroko gave birth to a pasta monster that is crawling around on the counter , making weird noises and BREATHING.

Kuroko should become a scientist , maybe he would be able to give birth to a animal baby and end animal extinction

Who knows

But anyway

I never knew that Kuroko's fetus killing food would be able to NOT kill but do the EXACT OPPOSITE.

Now Kuroko has to take care of this so called child.

Even though it does not resemble the kids in the kindergarden whatsoever.


Forgot to say that Akashi is coming earlier from work today

And usually when he does this he is in Tetsuya land (don't ask question , you don't wanna know) , and by that i mean he is out of it.

So of course he is bound to do something stupid the exact time he enteres his apartament-


He is not thinking what i think he's thinking-



Did he just eat the kid-?

-what the heck Akashi-kun-

-Hmm? , OH ... TETSUYA~

Kuroko just stares in space while his boyfriend hugs him

<Kuroko's P.O.V.>

Did i just witness a murderer..

<Nay Nay's P.O.V.>

I don't think he is going to recover from that.

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