At the beach

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Author note : summer is almost here

Author note : summer is almost here

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I love this image too much

<Narrator's P.O.V.>
(Nay Nay broke a leg 😔 so his bf came instead , hope they get better)

It was a nice morning , no clouds gathering in the sky and the sun was shinning proudly over Tokyo

Akashi and Kuroko were out taking a walk  , discussing what they could do together on the long awaited summer break

-What about going to the beach? asked Akashi , with one of his eybrows raised looking at his lover with wonder

-I don't know Akashi-kun , hotels near the beach tend to be expensive-

Kuroko got cut off by the rich red head , that commented on his observation with a deadpan look on his face

-I'm rich Kuroko , we could even go to Mars if you so pleased . You don't have to bother with payments , as , of course , I'm paying.

The tealnette sighed , agreeing to his lovers plan of going to the beach together this fine summer


Not long passes and both boys finally finish school and get to go to the beach

I wasn't there for it all , as now its july (they went in june to the beach) but i will tell you guys the key moments , as there wasn't a lot of interesting accurances

Kuroko and Akashi joined a sand castle competition , which Akashi won and gave the prise to Kuroko , it was a popsicle

Kuroko took his time while his boyfriend was trying to bronze but fell asleep , to make him in a verry curvy mermaid

Guess Aomine rubbed off a little on Kuroko

Akashi and Kuroko went on late walks on the beach their whole stay to admire the sunset together like the sappy couple they are

Whish Nay Nay would pay atention to me from time to time than always staying on his phone and always dissregarding my requests ;-;

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