Opposite's atract ig

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Author : ok , i love the ship dynamic things , i can not lie , they're fun

So here is a bad angel x good devil kind of dynamic

Enjoy ig

<Nay Nay P.O.V.>

There were once a angel and a devil who met on earth

One was there to finish an  assigment gifted to him by his master

While the other was there to-


Be lazy ig , he didn't even have anything to do on earth so idk why he was still there-

But anyway-

I think you already know wich one is doing wich

The devil , who's called KURO , his identity has to be a secret only known by his master and ocasionally friends , was wearing a legless black body suit who's sleeves were verry flowy and were coloured a beutifull pastel teal to contrast the black , he wore a pair of black loafers with heels and over them he wore some verry comfy pastel teal leg warmers

He has two sets of horns , one going upwards and another going downwards , they are both the same as his skin colour but at the tips you can see a hint of teal

His tail is as well , the same colour scheme as his horns but it is like a dragons tail ( HE ISN'T A DRAGON THOUGH , OK?) and he has some tiny wings on his back but they were only the same colour as his skin not like the other two sets of unhuman parts who had a tiny teal gradient at its tips

His tail is as well , the same colour scheme as his horns but it is like a dragons tail ( HE ISN'T A DRAGON THOUGH , OK?) and he has some tiny wings on his back but they were only the same colour as his skin not like the other two sets of unhuman ...

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A/N : a little sketch of said outfit

And then there is AKA , the angel

He wears a white vest wich has laces at the end of the sleeves , a whine red cropped suit vest and a similar wine red pair of waist long jeans with a pair of white cap toes

He has a pair of three magnificent white wings on his back with beautiful golden tips on each feather and a golden halo to match

A/N : i really wanted to make them wear ouji style outfits but i think its better to give them those more simple styles , and i love the fact that KURO is wearing more practical clothes while AKA is just there to show off-

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A/N : i really wanted to make them wear ouji style outfits but i think its better to give them those more simple styles , and i love the fact that KURO is wearing more practical clothes while AKA is just there to show off-

KURO was doing his work collecting corupted souls and bringing them with him to the place he has to

KURO has the flowy sleeves to stuff the souls in them , the corupted souls like staying in dark spaces so his sleeves who are black on the inside are best for them to be stored in untill departing

So while he was doing his duty , he was silently listening to his "favourite" song , the souls screeching and screaming a few centimeters away from his ear

While AKA was just stroling through the streets looking for something to do bc he finished his job like

A day ago

(KURO : Darn angels)

So KURO was working while AKA was just


Doing his thing ig-

Finally , KURO finished with the souls so now he can go out for a bit of fresh and SILENT air

Bet AKA is gun see him and destroy his peacfull devil life

<"AKA"'s P.O.V.>

I was strolling through the silent streets thinking about my upcoming schedule wich was pretty much just me doing nothing bc i will most likely finish in one day all of my assigments but a screeching sound burst my thought bubble

Me being like any other being , was curious about the sound so i went to investigate

I knew it had to be a devil doing its job knowing that no other being could produce such a demonic sound other than the corupted souls of the once human creatures

But i didn't know a devil could look more angelic than i was

He looked like the silent yet straight forward kind

I think humans would say something along the lines of: "he is DEFINETLY my type"


Have i been staring-

<"KURO"'s P.O.V.>

Ahhh finally

I am done with my assigment


I feel somebody's eyes screwdriving through my imaginary skull so i turn around to find-


Random angel , do you mind keeping those eyes to yourself?

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