Chapter 3

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"Now tell me whats wrong" I say. "Well...I heard pinky talking about how you were on the roof this morning." He says looking up at me. "Kacchan...I didn't want to do it. My body just unconsciously moved me into that position." I say. "You can't..I can't.." He says before breaking down in sobs again.

Kacchan never lets people see his other emotions except me occasionally but I thought he could hold it in he always does, I guess the pressure got to much for him. "Kacchan its ok" I give him a tissue to blow his nose as he hugs me.

Todoroki's pov
I stand outside the bathroom and listen to the 2 voices talking. "Young todoroki you should be in the locker rooms putting on your hero suit!" All Might says as he walks up to me. "Yeah I just had to use the bathroom really quick I'm going now." I say as I look back to the bathroom. "Tch..." I walk off to the boys locker room and put on my hero suit and prepare for todays hero training.

"Ok after we give you your partners you will be going against one of us teachers for your hero training the objective is to either immoblize us or escape through the door on the other side in 20 minutes." Aizawa explains.

"So the partners are todoroki and yaoyorozu, sero and shinso, kirishima and tsu, Uraraka and Iida, Midoriya and Bakugo... where are those two?" All Might explains before asking. "We're right here," Midoriya says. "Sorry we're late" He finishes. "Never mind that its ok." All might says before giving out the rest of the partners.

"Ok so the first team will be Mina and Kaminari vs Nezu" All Might says and mina groans. "Is that even possible?" She asks. "Yeah isn't he like super smart?" Kaminari says. "Oh I'm sure you'll find a way students!" Nezu says before walking off into the training area.

"We're so screwed aren't we?" Mina asks. "Yep." Denki says as they begin walking in after nezu.
They lost. What did you expect, what did they expect nezu is crazy smart. Well bakugo and midoriya are facing all might right now. Speaking of midoriya and Bakugo I don't like how close those two are. Its a little unnerving.

"Whats on your mind todoroki?" Aizawa asks. "Nothing much aizawa...shouldn't you be figuring out how to beat me and yaoyorozu?" I ask him. "No you're my students I know how your quirks work plus I'm a prohero #32 actually should be figuring out how to beat me." He says before patting my shoulder and walking off.

"Todoroki-kun!" Yaoyorozu calls running up to me. "We're next do you have a strategy?" She asks. "Yeah how long do you think you can hold your quirk for?" I ask her. "I didn't really eat before this so I have 15 minutes tops." She says. "Ok...I have something" I start telling her the plan.
Midoriya's pov
"Where do you think you're going!" All Might says before grabbing bakugo and slamming him down on the hard road. This would have never happened if he listened to my plan. "Hey!" I yell making him look towards me. "Come and get me!" I say as I start running and all might follows.

I make loads of turns losing all might and I turn to where kacchan is and pick him up. "D-deku...turn me around" He says. "Huh why?" I ask him. "Just turn me around damn it!" He yells. I do as he says and he lets off an explosion making us go faster and alerting All Might who I assume is on the other side of the map where we are. "Hey let off another expolsion" I say. "Don't give me orders!" He yells before complying making us fly out the door.

"Midoriya and Bakugo win! Next is Todoroki and yaoyorozu vs Aizawa. Please make your way to training field C." Nezu says as me and kacchan walk back to our classmates.

Todoroki's pov
"Ok yaoyorozu do you remember the plan?" I ask her. "Yes" She says as our timer starts. She runs off to find a place to hide from aizawa while I distract him. "Where's your partner?" He asks. "Don't worry about that" I say as I notice his hair goes up. "How do you intend to fight me without a quirk?" He asks me. "I don't." I say running off in the opposit direction of momo making him chase after me.

I lead him to another street where momo is waiting for us with her creation. I run out of the way as she launches it at Aizawa and successfully catches him. "If I can beat the #2 hero I can beat you" I say walking up to momo. "Or more like we can beat you." I say giving her a high five.

"Good job you two." He says as he hangs from the streetlight in yaoyorozu's make shift scarf. "How did you make this scarf?" He asks. "Well I didn't know what material yours was so I chose materials that just happened to be stronger." She says shrugging her shoulders. "Great now can you get me out of here?" He asks. "Uh...I didn't think that far ahead todoroki you can melt it." She says and I walk over to him. "You should be able to handle the heat right since your the #32 hero?" I ask him as he looks down at me with an unamused face. "Just get it done." He says. And I smirk as I begin burning the scarf to ashes.

Color Wars (Todobakudeku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora