Colourland Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Showdown with Flora and Jessica

Flora and Jessica were searching for Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby.

" Where the fuck are they ? " said Flora.

" We must find them soon, if they are not dead it will be a problem " said Jessica.

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby ran into Warbler.

" How are things " said Warbler.

" We ate bread " said Artby. " It will make us more heroic "

" Never heard of bread that does that, I enjoy eating chicken but I have never seen that sort of thing " said Warbler.

The bread has made people more heroic, the flour is full of heroism " said Artby.

" Heroism ? " asked Crayon.

" During the fight with Maxclever and Willemease, the heroism was awakened within us due to the flour " said Artby.

" We can talk to the bakers about it "

" I think they will know something "

" The bakers " said a voice. " Don't be ridiculous ".

Flora and Jessica have arrived.

" There are five of you here " said Jessica.

" I suggest you leave right now, whoever you are " said Flora. " The Bear wants these four out of the way so you will end up being extremely hurt "

" The bakers are counting on us " said Artby. " With the bread we ate, we can save Colourland "

" No baker will do shit " said Jessica.

" Bread helps " said Artby.

" Bread can change things in a fight if you eat lots of it like I do "

" Bread will do nothing " said Jessica.

" You four got lucky against Maxclever and Willemease " said Flora.

" It won't happen here "

" I am Warbler " said Warbler.

" You will fall with the other four " said Flora.

" You will not stop us "

" You won't last long here " said Jessica.

" Warbler will last, baking will help us protect him " said Artby.

" Baking will not change the outcome " said Jessica.

" Baking does help " said Artby.

" Now it is time to fight, it will be your demise " said Flora.

" I am ready " said Crayon.

" Prepare to fall " said Jessica.

" Yes, Crayon's friends will be taken down for sure " said Flora.

" Friends of Crayon go inside the bakeries, as a friend I will fight " said Artby.

" It matters not " said Flora.

Flora then launched the Double Shadow Strike and Jessica used the Double Darkness Blast and aimed it at Artby while Crayon used the Air Kick and Colourea used the Sea Kick but Jessica was able to block the Air Blast but was hit by the Sea Kick.

Crayon and Colourea used their Light Bombs while Flora used the Extreme Darkness Blast and Jessica used the Super Darkness Bomb creating a huge explosion. Artby had taken quite a bit of damage and he was near struggling slightly.

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