The Heat is On

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I could feel my eyes getting heavy as I stared blankly at my laptop screen trying to edit my recent vlog. It was getting harder to stay awake, I sighed and reached for my air pods.

I put them in my ears, grabbed my phone and started to scroll through my music playlist.

"Let's see..." and instantly found the song I wanted.

I smiled and pressed play. Tae's Sweet Night began as my eyelids started to droop. I rested my arms on the counter, laid my head down and just listened to it.

This song feels so accurate...

After what happened between Tae and I during dinner, I feel a strong connection with him and listening to this song is summing it up all in one...

' "...I wanna ask you if this is all just in my head, my heart is pounding tonight," '

The verse continued on and my eyes struggled to stay open.

' "I wonder if you are to good to be true and would it be alright if I pulled you closer. How could I know, one day I'd wake up feeling more..." '

That last line kept replaying over and over in my head and my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

A sudden crash hit the kitchen floor causing me to move a little but fall right back to sleep. Not to long after, a light breeze rush down and back up over me.

I turned my head again, causing one of my air pods to fall out and hit the counter with a light clink. That's when I felt a comforting warmth against my cheek.

"Summer?" it was Tae.


"It's really late, let's go to bed."

My eyes fluttered a little, "Tae...did y-you say something...?"

He leaned closer, "It's bedtime, let me help you." I just nodded.

"Sit up and put your arms around me, I'll carry you." he said again.

"O-okay..." and slowly sat up.

He was there in a second and reached around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started to lift me up from the chair and held me bridal style.

He's so strong...

He started to walk away from the kitchen as I rested my head in the nape of his neck and nudged it. I felt the heat rise in his neck and tightened my arms around it.

" warm..." I said softly.

Not to long after, he stopped moving and just stood still. I moved my head from his neck and tried to see what was going on. Everything was pretty blurry, my eyes are super tired.

I caught a glimpse of a window as a soothing light shined off it and my body warmed, I was in his bedroom.

He lowered me, "You can let go Summer, I promise I won't drop you."

I nodded and let go of him. A sudden comfort hit my side as he laid me down and pulled the sheets halfway up my arms. I let out a soft sigh and cuddled up with the pillow.

Tae moved from my side to the end of the bed then, it was followed by a soft jump to the bed from Tan.

"Cuddle with her Tan, I'll be right back." Tae said and was gone.

It was like Tan understood him. He came up right next to my chest and laid down. My eyes fluttered open again and I started to pet him, he fell asleep instantly.

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