Pied Piper Pt. 2

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I kept staring back at him, just waiting for him to rush over and talk to me, but he stayed put. Its like he's trying to strategise how to approach me, my heart rate spiked again and I turned away.

Calm down Summer, its time for your duality to come in play...

I took a deep breath, turned back flashing him my best smile and waved. Instantly he shot up from the ground and started to make his way over, only to get caught by Tae himself.

"Hold on JK, we have practice to start."

"What? Oh, yeah I knew that I was just on my way over." JK said.

Tae shot me a quick wink, "You can talk to Summer a little later, let her be for now."

He took one last look at me, then back to Tae and nodded.

"Okay." and they started practice.

I sighed with relief as I started to finally eat my breakfast. I watched them with awe and admiration, smiling the whole time I ate. Just as I was about to take a sip of my coffee, I caught Tae staring at me as he danced.

I looked over at him and smiled, he gave me another quick wink and went back to dancing. I looked down at my phone as my body moved on it's own to their music, trying so hard not get up off the floor and start dancing along with them.

The music came to a sudden stop as a tall shadow made its way back over to me. I looked up, nearly spitting out my coffee as I put my phone down.

JK was standing in front of me and looking down. His eyes ran all over my body, investigating every inch of it that he could see. I stretched out my legs then, moved my arms back behind and gave him more to look at.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Tae watching with a slight smirk on his face. I crossed my legs over one another as the others came to see what was going on, I just smiled.

"Hi, JK what brings you over?"

He knelt down meeting my gaze, "So you're Summer, it's nice to meet you. I was the first one Taehyung told about you."

I winked, "I know, he told me. Thanks for keeping it a secret, it meant a lot to us even though you all know now."

He smiled as my heart rate spiked for a third time.

Tae wasn't kidding, he's showing huge interest in me...

"Of course, I'd never do that to him. He says your a dance teacher, what type of dances do you teach?"

I stood up then, he did the same and backed up from me. I shot a quick glance at Tae, his eyes motioned for me to keep talking to him.

"I am a teacher and I teach your dances to my six girls."

His eyes went wide, "Wait, really?"

"I already told you that JK." Tae cut in.

I nodded as the rest of them kept staring at us, hanging onto my every word.

"I've been doing it since I was twenty-three. I love it so much, my girls are ARMYs too."

Just as he was about to ask something else, J-Hope cut in.

"That's so cool! Namjoon, can she dance with us?" my eyes went wide.

Wait, what?

I brought my hands up, looked over JK's shoulder to J-Hope and blushed.

"Hold on! I don't want to intrude on your practice, I'm just here with Taehyung. You guys are going to be the ones on stage, not me."

"She's right, but I mean she can if she wants too. I'm curious to how well she does it." Namjoon said.

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