Into the Spotlight

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"Wait, what! You're going? Summer, do you realize how big of a step this is?!" Autumn shouted.

"Not to mention you're leaving so much behind." Alex cut in.

"And on such short notice?! Summer tell us your joking right?" Aria asked.

Tears kept trickling down my cheeks as I listened to them protest, they needed to get it off their chests my answer is not changing.

"Right?! Please talk to us..." Aria said again.

I wiped my eyes, took a step toward them and wrapped my arms around myself.

"I'm not, I'm going. It's not like I didn't think about how big this decision was."

"But you're going to be completely starting over..." Cami said.

I dropped my arms, reached my hand out to hers and she took it.

"Maybe but I won't have to do too much, Tae's capable for taking care of me."

She gave a small smile, squeezed my hand and let go.

"That is true..."

"You see? I'll be leaving a lot behind sure, but I'm not really starting over. It's more of a permeant vacation instead of seasonal."

They all finally smiled, pulled me into a tight group hug and let go. I sat down on the sand then, dropped my shoes next me and stared out at the ocean, they joined in.

Four of them sat on my right while the other three sat on my left. Both my hands were grabbed and squeezed tight, I smiled.

"Remember when I said he's going to tell you he loves you?" Aria asked.

I nodded, squeezed her hand tighter and she went on.

"This step you guys are taking is leading up to it. It's just a matter of time and he'll finally tell you, I can feel it."

"Imagine if you guys get married..." Autumn said.

I blushed, "Who knows, it could happen only time will tell."

"Yes it will."

"What are you going to do about the studio apartment? Are you ready to leave that all behind? You've lived there for so long..." Alex said.

I turned to her as my blush faded and smiled.

"I am. Aria's fiancé is a relator, he'll take very good care of it and get it done quick."

"So he was talking to you earlier. I thought it was you just by the way he quickly went into the other room."

I laughed and looked back out at the ocean.

"I did tell him not to tell you, I wanted to do that myself."

She and Autumn rested their heads on my shoulders, I could only rest mine on Aria's.

"He was shocked, I could tell by his eye expressions."

"He was, I actually thought he was going to yell."

She laughed, "He almost did."

"I'm glad he didn't or else you would of called me instantly."

"You bet your ass I would of, keeping something that big from me."

"I told you all now, didn't I?"

They all laughed and rested their heads on each other's shoulders as well.

"Since this such short notice, are you taking anything with you? Or are you going to get rid of it all?" Amy asked.

I sighed and looked down toward her, "Leaving everything...I'm only taking a suitcase, carry on and important things with me."

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