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He was taken aback at first then responded to my need right away. He stood up, put his phone down and placed his hand against my other tear stained cheek. My tears ran over his thumbs as he kissed me back with such passion and love, I started moving backwards.

The small of my back hit the edge of the counter with a light thud as his hands dropped from my cheeks, reached up for mine and put them around his neck. I entwined my fingers behind it as he rested his hands on my hips and pulled me closer.

Our chests collided as the love from our bodies tangled into one another, heating up our very cores. He broke this kiss, moved his hands from my waist and back to my cheeks, wiping away the last of my tears. I smiled as he pressed our foreheads together and gave me a quick kiss.

"Where'd that come from? You had me worried."

"I didn't mean to, I'm just really happy...let's go to the bedroom."

He caressed my cheeks, "Are we going fast or slow?"


He kissed my forehead, "Slow it is." and reached down for my hand.

He lead me to the bedroom then, stopped in front of the bed as he dropped my hand and faced me head on. He gave me a loving smile, reached for my shirt and pulled it off, exposing my half nakedness.

I did the same to him, grabbed his shirt and took it off, tossing it over mine. I moved in closer, rested my hands on his shoulders and admired all of his enticing features. I lifted my fingers up off them and caressed my way down.

From his shoulders, to his collar bone, down his chest, along his stomach and back up. He tilted his head back a little and closed his eyes, feeling everything my fingers were exploring and let a low groan escape.

I did it again, retraced my steps but this time went lower and reached for his pants. I unzipped them, reached down and grabbed hold of him, slowly stroking him down.

Another groan escaped as he hardened in my hand, making my abdomen tingle within. I stroked him faster, gave it a light squeeze and my wrist was caught. I looked up at him as he pulled it out and rested it back on his shoulder.

He reached for my other hand that was resting on his hip, placed it on his other shoulder and reached his hands around my back. I lifted my arms as he unclipped my bra, took it off and dropped it to the ground.

I put them back as his hands moved down to my hips and rested there. I took one more small step, pressed my chest against his and placed my hand on his cheek, caressing it.

Our hearts beated as one as we started into each other's eyes, tempting one another to make the first move. I inched my lips in closer as his eyes followed them, waiting to steal the perfect kiss.

Soon as I moved towards his jaw, his lips caught mine and kissed me passionately. He ran his hands up from my hips, along my back and down to my butt, squeezing each cheek once. I kissed him back harder and longer, pulling him in to my burning core.

He responded, stripped down and turned me around as he gently sat me down on the bed. My body moved on its own, backed up to the middle and took him with me.

I laid down, pulled him on top and let him hover over. He broke the kiss again, leaving me breathless and reached for my hands. He entwined them with his, held them next to my head and moved his lips to my neck.

Soft moans escaped me as he trailed down it leaving soft kisses all over, igniting all of my senses. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back and gave him free access to where ever he may please. He took the invite instantly, kissed my neck once more and moved downward.

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