Sweet Night

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"Are you coming or not, Tae? Aren't we going to cuddle and chill?" I called.

I was sitting up against the bed frame looking at my phone and waited for him to come back from the kitchen. He said he was hungry and went to get a snack, it's been like twenty minutes since then.

He finally came back with two snack sized bags and Tan trailing along behind him. I shook my head as he came up on the bed next to me and handed me one of the bags.

"Thanks, took you look enough."

He looked at me with his puppy eyes, "I couldn't decide, Summer. Too many options..."

I laughed, "Apparently." and ate my snack.

Few minutes passed and Tae finally finished his. He quickly got up to throw away our garbage and came back just as quick, I moved over.

He got back on the bed, laid down on his side and motioned for me to come next to him. I moved from my spot to him and pressed my back up against his chest.

I put my phone down, rested my head in my hand as he brought his hand to my exposed shoulder and rubbed it in a soothing motion.

I closed my eyes as his hand moved down my shoulder, into my shirt only to give my breast a quick squeeze and move back up. I moved my arm back a little, tilted my head up to him and opened my eyes.

He smirked, "Yes? Something on your mind?"

"Not really, just relaxing."

"You sure? Cause' I can think of something to do."

"I bet you can, not tonight though. I'm pretty tired, a lot happened today."

His smirked turned to a smile, "Sure did, that's okay though, I'm fine with just doing this."

I returned it, "Me too." and he dropped his hand.

I turned away from him and picked up my phone laying next to my chest. He wrapped his arm around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder and watched me. I smiled to myself as I moved closer and opened my twitter feed.

I kept smiling as I scrolled through my feed. It's pretty much all BTS related and most of my followers are ARMYs as well.

I stopped scrolling suddenly and thirst tweet popped up, it was about Tae. Just as I was about to scroll past it, my hand was caught.

Oh no...

"Wait a minute! What did that say?"

I dropped my phone, "Nothing!"

He reached for it as he dropped my hand, "Let me see Summer!"

I held him back the best I could, but he was strong.

"I said it was nothing, Tae!" and shoved my phone away.

It flew up to his side of the bed and smacked into the bed frame. He pushed me away and started to reach for it. I quickly squirmed across the bed and grabbed my phone just in time.

I turned onto my back and shoved it into my shorts to keep him from grabbing it. He moved his way over, got on top and pinned me down, my face went crimson.

He smirked, "You think that's safe? I will tease the hell out of you there until you give me your phone."

I got excited at the thought of him doing that but then remember how tired I am still.  I sighed heavily, reached back down my shorts and grabbed my phone. I placed my free hand over my eyes and gave it to him, he snatched it right up.

"Good girl." and read the tweet.

I peeked out from under my hand as my face still blazed crimson. A devilish glint gleamed in his eyes, I put my hand back over my eyes.

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