Chapter 9- Rain

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"I wish I brought towels," said Bonnie.

Toy Bonnie shivered.

"You OK?"

"Yeah," she replied. "Just a little chilly."

Bonnie put her in his lap and hugged her. "Is this better?"

"A little," she blushed.

They both waited out the storm. It had been going on for hours when they both got bored.

"Hey, um, wanna climb the tree?" asked Toy Bonnie, already at the branch after the lowest one. "I do it a lot!"

"I can't," Bonnie said. "Remember?"

"That's OK! Grab my hand!"

Bonnie grabbed, Toy Bonnie's hand, and she pulled him up. "Wow, you're strong."

"Yeah, I was built like that. It's why I hide my gender..." she replied. "Many people misinterpret me as a male though.."

"That's OK."

Suddenly Goldie teleported onto the branch, with an umbrella in one hand.

"There you are! I was getting worried about you two. I was sleeping, but as soon as I woke up, I noticed you both were missing."

"And NOBODY ELSE noticed?" asked Toy Bonnie.

"They did notice, and, long story short, all had mental breakdowns..."

"Even Marionette?" Asked Bonnie.

"No, Marionette was vibing in his music box, as always." Said Goldie. "Anyways, we should get going, this rain isn't stopping anytime soon."

So Goldie teleported himself and them back to the pizzeria.

<DISCONTINUED>  Something Borrowed, Something BlueWhere stories live. Discover now