Chapter 13 - The Eavesdropper

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"UGH." They looked at Bonnie and Toy Bonnie through the vents. "LOOK AT THE LITTLE LOVE-BUNNIES. IT MAKES ME SICK."

Bonnie let go of Toy Bonnie. "Did you hear that?"

"No.. Hear what?"

"I... Thought I heard talking in the vents."

Toy Bonnie looked up at the vents, then back at Bonnie. "Theres nothing in there," she replied.

"Yeah- maybe it was just, well, the vents."

The nightgaurd hadn't come that night, so they both decided to go to sleep. While they were sleeping, Toy Bonnie started having a strange dream...


A creepy voice whispered inside of her mind.

"Can you hheeeeaaarrr meeeeeee?"

In this dream, she saw a figure that looked like her, but all black, with small white eyes and white teeth. "Who.... ARE you," Toy Bonnie asked firmly. The figure just laughed. "Oh you silly! I AM you!"

"No. I am ME," replied Toy Bonnie. 

"Oh, but thats where youre WRONG, my sweet little Angel-Bunny. I. AM YOU." 

Threatened, Toy Bonnie attempted to kick the figure. She missed, and the figure laughed again. "Hah! You really ARE silly! I AM YOU! You cant kick yourself can ya?"

"Wanna see me try?" asked Toy Bonnie, now desperate to get rid of this figure. She attempted to kick herself, and somehow succeeded. Meanwhile, the figure just burst out laughing. " GOTCHA!"

Toy Bonnie growled.

"You KNOW you cant get rid of me," the figure exclaimed. "Right?" Toy Bonnie was confused as to how the figure knew what she was thinking. "Its BECAUSE-" scolded the figure, "I. AM YOU."

"Yes, I know," she replied, annoyed. "But WHAT are you?"

"Oh my, how rude of us- " the figure scoffed at Toy Bonnie. "I'm the dark side of your mind!"

Toy Bonnie actually believed what the figure said; her dream felt so real that she became confused. But, in reality, the "figure" was next to Toy Bonnie, whispering into her ear...

<DISCONTINUED>  Something Borrowed, Something BlueWhere stories live. Discover now