okok this is new chapter swear

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As I was taking a prego test I waited and waited. What if Eddie dosnt want a kid? What if he leaves me for someone else??
As the results came back they were negative thank the Lord bc I'm not ready yet!!!!

"Lia why r u screaming? " Eddie says I show him the test and he has this hint of sadness in his eyes?
"Arnt u happy Bubba?!" He slowly nods his head and walks out. I start crying

(。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。 ok ok I had to btw can sum1 plz give me ideas?)

"I... I thought he'd be happy to." I said in between sobs.

It's finally eddies pov

As I'm walking out with tears running down my cheeks I hear lias crying and I feel so bad. But I can't help her rn bc I'm also crying. Me and the boys have dreamed of having and it sounds like she doesn't want them. I'm not going to leave her bc of it but it breaks my heart.

Srry for the shirt chapter cookies and I'm srry that I've been gone for a while I deleted the app on accident and litrelly just re-downloaded it. Word count: 200

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