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Alr I thought long and hard and I want some requests. I will continue the story but just a few filler one shots here and there between the chapters. So I will need: The characters in it. You are lianna srry again if u don't like it it's just easier for me. Again Josh and juicy r ur brothers and Eddie is ur bf. I will need a bit of background to go off of. Any special occasion and stuff like that. U guys get it... I hope anyways yea just leave your requests on this chapter and I wanted to thank y'all for 1.17k reads. I didn't think it would get this far honestly and I am so happy that it did anyways I will be open to a few gay one shots where u and Eddie aren't together like juicyxeddie and etc. But I would still like some with u and Eddie also idk abt smut bc I don't rlly know how to write that so bare with me. I will try to get most of ur guys requests but no promises as I am busy with school, roblox, reading other books here on wattpad etc. If u play roblox and wanna add me it XxwvlfiexX. It's stupid ik but idc. My ig is justsittininacorner or sum like that but yea srry for the the long A/N and hopefully I get to hear from some of y'all on ig and stuff bye don't forget just waking up this morning was awesome even if it's all you could do I am proud of u bye cookies!!
Word count: 271

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