17: The Start of a New relationship

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The party was good, Monica was eying Daksh moment from moment while he was talking business with other people, and it made me mad. "Mrs. Malhotra," I heard a beautiful voice from none other than my first love.

I smiled at Abhay, "Hello" I greeted smiling. "Is everything settled between you and Daksh?" he asked sipping from is drink.

"Yes we've settled, why do you ask?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He smirked, "Just asking if there's still a chance for me."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't start again, I've made myself clear last time." I was about to leave from there but he held my hand, "Don't go." 

His voice was filled with desperation, soft and needy. My heart beat raised as I looked at him in the eyes, "I won't hesitate to kick you, let me go." I warned him.

I went over to Daksh wrapping my arm around his as he introduced his colleagues to me.

"Excuse me everyone," we heard a loud voice from the speaker and saw Monica on the stage. "As for the end of his beautiful night, I request everyone to have a little dance with their partners. Thank you for coming everyone."

My face paled, Dance? For my non-existent self respect I need to leave from here...

My head turned towards Daksh, he was already smirking at me, "Care to join me, my lady?"


Before I could process wat was happening, I was in front of nearly a half a hundred people and my anxiety rose as high as Mount Everest.

"I don't know how to dance!" I whispered panicking, glaring at stupid idiot in front of me, whose hand was on my waist making me feel smaller than ever.

"Don't worry, I won't let you become a laughing stock for them." he smiled genuinely and for a moment I relaxed. 

He took my hand and placed it on his shoulder, my other hand rested on his bicep. The music started, he swift my body slowly and softly like a feather. For the first time in my life I felt light, he picked me up in the air and spun. I felt like a Disney princess, with wings, who was married to a handsome prince. 

He's not as bad as he seems...

...Firstly, he is not bad. Secondly, he is an ideal husband.

But you still have doubts?

...Of course, it's not like we know each other...

*3rd person pov*

The dance ended and everyone chanted "Kiss!" like dorks. I could feel Daksh' body tense at his co-worker's unexpected reaction.

He knew he couldn't ask for his wife for a kiss in public, the dance already must have drained her energy. He was aware of his wife's delicacy, he didn't want to rush things without her consent. He even felt afraid, he couldn't lose his face on from of his workers, nor he could force his newlywed wife. He was just smiling at them scared to look into his wife's eyes.

Sanaya knew there wasn't any way out from this. She was moved by all the things Daksh had done for her till now and this was enough to pay him back for his kindness.

She smiled at herself and placed her hand on his neck. She made him look at her, making his confused. Leaning her face towards him with closed eyes, she went on her toes and placed a small kiss on his lips. 

Daksh's eyes widen as his office workers howled and clapped for the couple. He looked at her stunned wanting an explanation, however she only smiled innocently, "Thank you," she said before pulling him off the stage.

The female workers were shooting glares in Sanaya's direction but she didn't care. At least for the night, she didn't want to care, it was a beautiful night. Not to mention the kiss left butterflies in her stomach.

Daksh greeted everyone a good night and left with his woman from the hall. "It was a beautiful night. Thank you for taking me with you."

His bride smiled sweetly, it was a rare sight- Sanaya was happy. Maybe there wasn't any love, but there, sure, was a sense of attachment and care.

He opened the car's door for her and they took off to their house.

*Sanaya pov*

I am the most idiotic person in the world. How could I kiss him, and that in front of his employees?! He didn't said anything about the kiss and it was eating me up. 

He was shocked, I hope he didn't mind. I don't want to upset him, besides we decided to make our marriage work.

My phone buzzed, a message from maa popped up.

Your dad and I are going to America, for a fashion event, we'll return in a week. Avni's over to her friend's house for a sleepover, she'll get to school from her house only. You can come to home with her from school tomorrow. Take care, my dear daughter~

(Maybe you can have some funny business with my son ;) I could see my grandchild...)

"What is it?" Daksh asked glancing to my phone. "It's from mom. She and dad went to America for a fashion event, they'll return next weak. And Avni's at her friend's." I blushed at her last message.

Suddenly Daksh put his hand on my thigh and my fingers curled in a fist to control myself. "So, we're alone in the house tonight..?"

My lips pursed together, "Hmm" I let out a breath with a low moan when his hand grazed over my thigh.

He glanced at me and smirked, "You dirty little girl." I heard him whisper and I blew my mind as well as my juices which wetted my underwear.

His touch was replaced with cold when he changed the gear, "Listen," he said in his calm voice. My legs were now pressed together, it seemed hard to control myself near him especially with his voice being amazingly sexy.

"Yeah?" I asked in a weak voice.

"I want you to use me," he said. My head turned at him as I looked in confusion, "What... do you mean exactly?" I asked as we reached our home.

"I mean," he said placing his hand back on my thigh, squeezing it which made my body relax, "You are not alone, you have me. I want you to use me whenever you have... outbursts." he said as he parked the car.

He looked at me with his eyes filled with worry and care, "Forgive me if I seem a little forward," he too my hands in his, "I do not want you to suffer alone during hard times. You can lean on me. Now you have a family, an we all love you okay," he patted my hair as I intensely looked at him, "We will support you, no matter what. It will be hard for you to trust us, or you might not feel at ease, but know that we will make sure not to hurt you, neither we will allow anyone to hurt you."

We sat in silence for few minutes, I didn't know what to say. Honestly, I didn't want to trust him, but I knew that I trusted him. My mind was screaming although a warm feeling engulfed my heart.

"Shall we go? It's cold out here." he chuckled lightly, I nodded. "Wait here." he said quickly running over to my side to open my door.

I smiled at him but he stopped me from getting outside the car. "Let me" he whispered.

He bend down his hands going under my knees and around my waist as he picked me up in bridal style and closed the door.

I was too dazed, my hands automatically wrapped around his neck, "Wh- What are you doing?"

"Shh, I know you're feet are hurting from the heels." he smiled and my head dropped down, embarrassed.

He took me all the way to our room while I took in his absolutely ravishing facial features. "Are you happy to have a hot husband?" 

I immediately looked up and he smirked at me in response. My face heat up but I stayed silent, he put me on our bed and tossed me his t-shirt, "Get changed into these." I smiled.

He was about to go outside to give me privacy when he turned, "And yeah," he said, "Thank you for the kiss." he winked and left satisfied by his teasing.

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