Endurance Race

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If there was one thing everyone in Fairy Tail knew about Hiro, it's that she liked to move. While the girl could be considered quite lazy, all too happy to let her larger friends carry her around- and they often would- once she started moving, she hardly ever stopped.

It had been proven many times, when she managed to lure them into her trap of ongoing games, that most of them would tire out long before she did. It had been shocking at first, considering how often she sleeps, but the only ones who could even hope to keep up were Wendy, who had spent most of her life with Hiro, and Jet. Natsu and Gajeel only because they're older slayers, with similar speed and longer legs.

Hiro, like several of her magical counterparts, was very fond of playful fighting, just light shoves and tumbles that she and Wendy would partake in. The two would wrestle playfully, often dragging Natsu into their games- the older slayer all too happy to indulge them.

Sometimes, on days where Hiro could trick him into it, they've even seen Gajeel Redfox- macho man extraordinaire- pretend to be defeated when Hiro was in her more playful moods.

Hiro was playful, like most children, and enjoyed things that involved a lot of movement.

Which is why her reaction shouldn't have been so shocking, once she found out the endurance race was a thing they did every year.

Her grin had stretched impossibly wide, all teeth and fangs, and her eyes had gone so large they thought they'd pop out of her skull. Her skin popped with little sparks, or the occasional snowflake, and she began to vibrate. Not with a purr like usual, but more with the pure energy that seemed to engulf her entirely.

So now, she jumps up and down on her heels, shaking with excitement as she and the rest of the guild stood around the park.

"SOO COOL!!!" Someone in the background screeched, "This yearly event has come again! Fairy Tail's annual, mandatory for all wizards, 24 hour ENDURANCE ROAD RACE!"

Hiro's grin grew even wider, bouncing up and down faster, until she was merely a blur. Gajeel, who stood closest to her and the only one brave enough, placed his hand on top of her head- forcing her to stop moving so that she wouldn't break her own neck.

"Chill, Pipsqueak."

The words that spilled from Hiro's mouth blurred together, the only ones inteligible being 'run' and 'race'. Gajeel sighed, forfeiting himself to the fate of keeping Hiro grounded to Earth's orbit instead of launching into the atmosphere in her excitement.

Makarov made a speech Hiro barely heard, something about a punishment game and no flying magic.

"Ready?" Makarov called, "BANG!"

The Fairy Tail Guild Members flew back onto the ground at the sudden gust of wind caused by Jet's sudden speed, scrambling to their feet in confusion.

"WHERE'S HIRO!?" someone shrieks, worried that she had been crushed by some other guildmates when they all tumbled.

Wendy jogged by them, pacing herself, and gave them a smile,

"Oh, she's already gone."


"SOOO COOOL!!" Jason cried, "Jet takes off with his speed magic, placing him in first, and everyone else tied for last! SO COOL!"

"Look!" a spectator pointed at one of the camera's they could see Jet on, "Something just passed him!"

Gasps went around the crowd, and one of the tech experts rewound the footage on one of their devices, slowing it down until Jet was full frame, looking shocked at something next to him, but the other figure still couldn't be seen, hardly a blur and more of a wisp in the air.

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