What Happened at Ryuzetzu Land?

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It happened after the third day...

"A pool?" Erza inquired.

Hiro and Wendy's eyes shined.

"Is there one nearby?" Lucy asked.

All four of them stood in front of Levy, who had suggested they use their free day tomorrow to have fun at a local water park.

"It's a summer resort known all throughout Fiore: Ryuuzetsu Land!"

Natsu butt-in from the background, Gray and Happy following his example;

"We gotta go for sure!"

"Since it's so hot these days."

"Aye Sire!"

Then, more guild members agreed in similar phrases.

"Ryuuzetsu Land? Sounds nice."

"It's a great opportunity, so let's all go together!"

"Eh, won't we need swimsuits?"

"Yeah, who would go in their underwear?"

"But is it okay to not tell the Master where we're going?"

Hiro chirped up, "Abbi took Babba to talk about something! I'll let 'em know when they get back!"

And so the plan was put in place.


Even if Hiro had to bribe Mamma-

The moment they entered the park, as a large group, Hiro, Wendy, Maya, and Ren took off, Zane followed at a more sedate pace.

"Lookie!" Hiro cheered, hands on her hips, as the group gazed at one particular pool "This is a great place for a water gun fight! So many obstacles and hiding spots!"

Wendy looked at her suspiciously, as did the other three.

"That is oddly specific." Ren deadpanned, a tiny smile on their face.

Hiro just grinned maliciously, leaping into the water with a cheer.

Maya grinned wildly as well, "We'll think about that later!" She said, doing several flips into the water as Hiro resurfaced.

Glancing at each other, Ren and Wendy jumped in after them.

Zane crouched at the edge of the pool, looking at the four of them as they grinned and laughed, shoving water at each other.

"Ehhh." He said monotonously, "Not much a fan of these kind of places."

Hiro had vanished under the water, unseen even beneath the clear surface.

"Have fun." Zane waved, only to shriek in fright as Hiro lunged out of the water and tugged him in with her.


Swimming several feet away, faster than the rest of them, Hiro hopped onto one of the colorful platforms and smirked deviously.

Within one second, she had a waterproof military vest on, and a black pair of goggles, a massive water gun in her hand.

"WAR!" She shrieked with a cackle, shooting each of them with the powerful blast of water, sending them underneath and spluttering as they resurfaced.

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