The Soldier and The Dragon

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"Is.." someone in the back whispered, staring down at Wendy with a look of shock and fear, " that Wendy?"

Sitting in the middle of the Edolas GuildHall, people started to whisper as they gazed at the small girl.

"Eh?" Natus tilted his head, eyes narrow. "What's wrong with your Wendy? Cause whatever you're thinking'" he pulled the bluenette closer, slightly behind him, "Our Wendy is off limits."

"Oh no," MiraJane waved her hands, "Nothing like that. Just..." she sighed, smoothing out her dress, "She reminds us of our much so, in fact. Nearly identical, if only for the fact that ours would be in her twenties by now..."

"Would?" Wendy squeaked.

Solemn looks take over everyone's expressions.

"It happened years ago," Mira sat down, along with everyone else. "After one of the King's raids on Magic Guilds, we were recovering, making sure everyone got out safely...and we noticed that Hiro was missing."

Mira took a deep breath, shaky and shuttery, before she continued.

"We learned that she'd been arrested by the King, the first child to be arrested and sentenced..." Mira choked, "sentenced to death by public execution. She was only 15."

Wendy clutched tighter to Natsu, shifting further behind him at the thought. The thought of Hiro being dead, being killed for something so integral to her. Hiro's magic affected her biology in a way that not even her fellow slayers quite understood, and to not have it...

"When Wendy, Ren, Maya, and Zane learned of this, they closed off. We didn't see them as much, but we assumed they were simply grieving. Wendy was the most upset, barely speaking a word to anyone outside her little circle. Then they just...vanished." Mira closed her eyes, "They disappeared over night, without a trace. We assumed they were heading to the capital, as rambunctious they were, they were close-knit and loyal to each other. Despite this, we didn't think they would do anything more than watch and grieve. One last goodbye to their best friend, something we've all gone through at some point..." her fists clenched the fabric of her skirt, sobs choking the rest of her words.

Juvia took over.

"They had been captured trying to break Hiro out of the dungeons." The woman's eyes were blank, voice monotone in an attempt to shield herself from residual pain. "Five children, executed at noon the next day. Something even those in support of the King were in outcry about. Since then, only those 18 and above receive public executions." her face darkened, "But that doesn't mean they stopped killing and arresting children."

"It was a few months after when the King's Quintette was introduced." Macao continued, leaning back in his chair and chugging a drink, "A group of five who rose through the ranks so quickly, that the Captain was only 20 when they were declared an independent unit from the rest of the Royal Army."

"They're the ones he sent in when he wanted someone wiped out." Wakaba agreed, "Can't tell you how many other guilds fell under them. Took 'em no less than a week to get the job done."

"Took no prisoners, left no bodies." Max leaned against the bar. "Lost a good portion of our members to them. Right up there with the Fairy Slayer, Erza."

Despite having already learned of Erza being against Fairy Tail in this world, it was still no less strange.

"All we really know is their names." Jet snarled, "No faces, no addresses, nothing we can use to avenge our guildmates." Jet looked off into a corner of the hall, a memorial for all their lost members there, with small pictures and offerings strewn amongst them.

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