The hotel room

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Brandon's POV: As we walked into the hotel, Abby walked over to a set of sofas in the lobby. Everyone sat down, by the time me and Brooke got to the chairs, every seat was taken apart from one chair, so I sat down on it with Brooke sat on my knee. Miss Abby then started to speak to us all, "right guys, this is a very posh hotel, I don't want lots of messing about okay? No running up and down corridors at all hours" "God damn" I whispered to Brooke- she giggled. Miss Abby continued "with that being said-I've had certain rooms booked so that you're closer together, Mackenzie and Maddie, you're on the first floor sharing a room with your mom, Kendall and Jill, you're also sharing and are on the first floor too, Asia and Kristie, also sharing on floor 2, also on that floor is Kelly, Christie, Holly and Dianne. Now, Paige, Chloe and Nia, I'm trusting the three of you to share, you're getting older and I need to see if I can trust you to be in a hotel room on your own incase your mothers can't make it to the competition, however with this being the first time you will be on the same floor as your parents incase there are any emergencies. Brooke and Brandon, I am trusting you two to share a room" I straight away squeezed Brooke with excitement, I was so happy. "You will be on the third floor. But remember the pair of you what I said at the beginning of the week, you need to prove to me that you have actually gained some responsibility. No more messing around" Abby finished and started to hand out the room keys. "Buzz kill" I whispered to Brooke. She burst out laughing before turning around so she was facing me. We both smiled at each other with excitement before hugging each other.

"Here you go" Abby said passing our key to Brooke, "thank you" she replied. "Right, it's 11:30 am now, go and get some rest, all meet back down here at 2:30, when we'll leave to go to a studio I've hired out for 3-8pm" miss Abby said, we all nodded and headed to our rooms.

As me and Brooke started walking up to our room, I took hold of her hand, she looked up at me and had the biggest smile on her face, I pulled her into a big hug. "I don't think I've ever been so happy" I said, "me neither- this weekend is going to be the best" Brooke replied, still hugging her, I kissed her head before we pulled away from the hug, I took hold of Brooke's hand again and we continued the walk to our hotel room.

Once we reached the door, Brooke opened it and we walked in. We both in sync dropped all of our bags and ran straight towards the double bed and jumped on it. We started hugging and rolling around and it ended with me being sat up leaning on the head rest with Brooke sat on top of me facing me, my arms were around her waist and hers were linked around my neck. For a few seconds, we didn't move, we didn't speak, we just looked into each others eyes, smiling at one another, I slowly brought my hands up Brooke's back and she slowly un-linked her arms and brought her hands around till they were holding my face. This was it. This was the moment that I was going to kiss Brooke. I couldn't believe it.

Brooke's POV: I can't believe it. Brandon is stroking my back and I am holding his face with both of my hands. This was it. The moment I've been waiting for for so long. We was finally going to kiss. Slowly, we leant into one another. And then, right before our lips were about to touch, there was a knock on the door with Paige shouting "Brooke! Brooke it's Paige!" I couldn't believe it. My head dropped. I was so upset, I was just about to finally have my kiss with Brandon and this happened. Brandon laughed slightly and lifted up my chin using his finger, he was smiling at me and I slightly smiled back, he kissed my forehead and shouted "come in Paige!". I rolled over so that I was sat next to Brandon instead of being on top of him, we looked at each other and laughed as Paige chloe and nia came running in.

"What's up guys?" I asked, "Brooke have you got my dance pants? They aren't in my suitcase and I need them to walk to dance in!" Paige said freaking out. "Chill out Paigeymack, they're in my suitecase, I haven't unpacked yet so just go through it and look" I said. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Paige said. We all laughed. Me and Brandon started talking to chloe and nia whilst Paige routed through my suitcase. "Yes! They're hear!" Paige said throwing them up in the air. We all laughed. "Thank you so much Brooke you're a life saver, let's go guys" Paige said, I laughed and Paige Chloe and nia left. I followed them to the door and shut it once they'd left. I awkwardly walked back into the main part of our room where our bed/sofa etc was.

Brandon's POV: I'm so upset that me and Brooke didn't get to kiss, but I can't let this get between us. I know Brooke will be feeling awkward now. I'm going to have to show her that everything is still okay. As she walked back into the room, I was sat on the edge of the bed, we both looked at each other and laughed, "come here you" I said as I opened out my arms, Brooke ran into my arms and jumped on me so I was lay down on the bed as we carried on hugging and laughing. "Come on let's have a nap before dance" I said, "you read my mind" Brooke replied, I smiled and still hugging, we wrapped the covers over us and Brooke cuddled into my chest, I played with her as I knew it sent her to sleep as well as stroking her arm with my other hand. Once I'd seen Brooke had fallen asleep, I spoke, "have a nice nap Brooke cookie, I love you" as I kissed her forehead and also fell asleep.

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