Friends again and the BBQ

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15 minutes later, we were here, great. I took out my headphones, put them in my dance bag, took a deep breath,and jumped out of the car. We got to the front door and knocked, luckily, Dianne, Brandon's mom, answered the door. "hey!!" She shouted as she opened it, hugging us all "hi!" I said as she hugged me "aw brookie, long time no see!" She said, I smiled and walked in, Dianne continued "Paige and josh, you two can go outside, brandon and Britney are upstairs, brooke can you run up and get them please?", "sure" I say, oh no. I walk up the stairs, and see that Britney isn't in her room, oh great, she must be in Brandon's with him, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door "who is it?" Brandon said, "it's me" i answered as I opened then door, the second the door opened, Britney jumped onto me "Brooke! Man I've missed you!!" She said hugging me "I've missed you to Brit!" I answered smiling, "well, we shall catch up in a minute, but I think you both need to have a talk, so I'll go down stairs so you can talk in private" Britney said, oh great, she ran downstairs, I awkwardly walked into Brandon's room and sat on the edge of his bed, neither of us talked, or even looked at each other. "So-" we both said at the same time, we laughed and made eye contact "go on, you go first" I said, he smiled smiled and said "no you go", I took a deep breath and said "I was just going to say, I've missed you I've missed us not talking everyday, I've missed our mess fights, our all night phone calls, our trips out, I've just, just, missed you" " I've missed you to brooke, I've missed all of those things to! you don't understand how much I've missed you!" "Really?" "Yeah!" Brandon said, I smiled, "hug?" He asked, I nodded, we both smiled and hugged, we just stayed in the hug for a while, my head was rested on his chest, his arms wrapped around me. I've missed this. But I'm so glad it's back.

Brandon's POV: I couldn't believe it, I was hugging brooke, man have I missed this girl. "We best go outside, everyone will be wondering were we are" brooke said with her beautiful smile, "do we have to?" I said, she laughed and replied, "I know, I feel the same, but come, let's go in the pool?" "Now you're talking!" I said and laughed, "wait, have you got a bathing suit or whatever?" I asked, "brandon, I'm not going to come to a BBQ were there is a pool without one am I now hey? I'm not that stupid" "haha, no I meant, we left loads of clothes at each other's houses didn't we? I've still got all your things in the draw" "really?!" "Yeah, you best still have mine!" "Don't worry I have, hey, can I leave my top and shorts up here?" "Yeah sure, I'm leaving my top" I said, I took of my top so I was just in my swimming trunks and brooke took off her top and shorts so she was in a bikini, "let's goo!!!" I shouted as I scooped brooke up and over my shoulder and started to run downstairs to outside, "Brandon! Let me down! Brandon!" Brooke yelled, we were both laughing, I got outside, and ran straight to the pool with brooke still over my shoulder "no brandon no!" She yelled, "oh yes!" I answered, "nooo!!!" Brooke said as I jumped into the deep end of the pool. When we took our heads out and above the water, we couldn't stop laughing, "woah brooke you still can't stand up at this bit can you?" I asked grabbing her and pulling her towards me, "nope, not atall" "wow, you really haven't grown atall have you?" I said, "hey, I may be small, but I can still fight you!" Brooke said, we both laughed, I kept hold of brooke and she had her arms on my neck. 

Brooke's POV: my mom came over to the pool side "hey kids, I got some great shots of you then running out and into the pool on your phone brooke" she said, "oh no" I said, we all laughed, "now let's get a nice one!" My mom said, brandon still had hold of my waist and my arms were around his neck, we smiled and my mom took the picture, "that's great!" My mom said, "thanks mom, keep hold of my phone please, and we'll look at them in a bit when we get out the pool" I said, "will do cookie, food will be done in 15" my mom said walking off, "you'll have to send me them photos" brandon said smiling, "I will, I can't wait to see what they're like" I answered laughing, "brooke?" Brandon said, "yeah?" "I'm so glad I've got my best friend back" "me to, I've missed you" "I've missed you to, even if you did walk into my house at 7:30am and wake me up" "haha, that was fun" "yeah, I remember, you'd always come dead early, insisting on me getting up, but then you'd just flop on the bed right next to me, we'd cuddle, and fall back asleep till like 12" "Aw, I miss our morning cuddles" "well, that's it then, you're going to have to start coming round more often, cause we've got a lot of missed cuddle time to be catching up on" brandon said, we smiled and hugged, "hey, have you still got them lilo's?" I asked, "aw yeah c'mon, let's go get them" brandon said grabbing onto my hand and walking through the water so I could just glide along besides him, when we got to the shallow end, I stood up and hopped out of the pool with brandon, we then realised we were holding hands still, we looked at each other, blushed, let go and laughed. 

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