Chapter 7

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"Brooke, Paige, wake up sweeties, it's 9am, miss Abby wants you at the studio for 10" my mom said waking us up, me and Paige sat up as my mom passed us both a cup of tea, "thanks mom" we both answered, my mom sat down on the edge of the bed, "How come miss Abby wants us there so early?" Paige asked, "miss Abby wants us to go out for a meal before we leave but she doesn't want it cutting into rehearsal time so we have to go early, and she wants you all to try on your costumes" my mom said, "going out for a meal should be fun" I said, "yeah it will" Paige said, "right come on then, breakfast in 3" my mom said standing up and walking out of my room. 

"Hey Paige can I ask you something?" I said, "sure cookie what's up?" She answered, "well I really like brandon as you know, but, people are saying he likes me and well, I don't know what to believe? Cause like I'm a little younger than him so he wouldn't really want some little girl clinging on to his hand would he when he can get some gorgeous 17 year old would he?" "Brooke! Do not think like that! You're better than any 17 year old, your gorgeous, smart, talented and have the most amazing personality and well, you're just everything they're not, never put yourself down brooke, brandon likes you,me likes you because you're unique, you're not like all the other girls okay?" "Paigeymack, you're the best you know that?" "I know", we both smiled. "Come on then, let's go get some breakfast" I said, we jumped out of bed and walked downstairs, our mom had made us pancakes, "here you go girls" my mom said placing them down on the island table, me and Paige jumped onto the seats "thanks mom" we said in unison, she passed us both a glass of orange juice each and we ate our breakfast. 

After breakfast, I ran upstairs and into my room, and looked at my phone, I had a text message from brandon. 

Brandon: Good morning beautiful, I missed not waking up to you're gorgeous face this morning

, has your mom told you about us having early practise? Urgh, at least we are going out for a little meal after, can't wait to see you xxx

Brooke: morning, aw I missed you to!! Yeah she told me, the meal should be nice though! Aw I can't wait to see you either


I then went onto my twitter and wrote "the good morning text @brandonpent has just sent me, has left me with the biggest smile on my face

 cutest person ever 

", he favourited it and replied " @brookehyland you best still have that beautiful smile on your face when I see you

" I smiled and favourited the tweet. I put on my black and blue bra top and my black bootie shorts on with my joggers over the top and one of my ALDC tops, i picked out an orange cami top and my dark blue denim jeans to take for after dance when we go out for a meal, I tied my hair up in a pony, brushed my teeth me washed my face, put on my converse, and ran downstairs, "Paige have you remembered your clothes for the meal?" I asked, "yeah" she replied, "come on girls, it's half past, get your suite cases in the car and let's go" my mom said, we pulled our cases out and into the car and drove to dance.

As we arrived at dance, brandon and Diane pulled up next to us, as we all got out of our cars, brandon hugged me and helped me lift out my suitcase and pulled it into the studio for me "thanks brandon" I said, he smiled and we went into the den, "girls and brandon, be in studio A in 5!" We heard miss Abby shout. "Looks like we're the only ones here" I said to brandon and Paige, "yeah where is everyone?" Brandon said, "well it is 10am, no ones usually here yet" I replied, "True" brandon said laughing, Chloe, Asia and Nia walked in "hey guys!" I said, Paige gave them a hug. Everyone put their bags down and we walked into studio A to stretch. 

Paige, Nia, Chloe and Asia all went together to warm up in a circle, me and brandon went a little away form them. Brandon looked at me giving me puppy dog eyes, I smiled "cuddle?" I said, he nodded, I jumped into his arms, he spun me around before slowly letting me down "better?" I asked, brandon nodded, we both smiled, "right come on then, let's get warmed up before miss Abby comes in" i said, brandon nodded and we began to stretch. 

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