Chapter 1

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If you're going to ask anything interesting about myself. Best believe you would just rather search the internet about it. I'm sure it can give you more than what I can tell you.

Gariella Lim

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Gariella Lim. Yep, that's me. One freaking article that led to all these people tweeting, posting and saying shit about me.




"Ms. Know-it-all"




It's easy for all these people to speak about something from an outside perspective without knowing what's really going on inside. But I could care less. Most of them are true anyway. Especially the last ones.

I'm a warfreak and I love to argue.

Those are pretty much the only and most important things you need to know about me. They're what helped me get through my journey to be a lawyer and I thought, other than being rational and logical, it'll all be what I'd be needing.

But what no one prepared me for?

Is how dirty it is inside this field and how there's no easy way out alive. Both metaphorically and literally. That in here, justice doesn't exist. But if you got money and power, well, that's guaranteed 100%. But for my recent client, a poor sexual assault victim of the privileged numskull idiot that is the Governor Jung's son, getting justice for what she went through only sounded closer to being a dream.

Nobody told her that dreams do come true though. And I'm more than thrilled to be delivering her her most deserved gift.


Honestly? The case wasn't that hard. The family only had money. But other than that, they're really not the brightest crayons in the box. 

I didn't even shed a hair strand trying to solve the case, even after the numerous death threats from them. So, that very moment my client and I both watched the Governor's son being escorted out of the trial room was surely the cherry on top of that day. But the jackass really just had to ruin everything even when he's already in cuffs, both arms held tight by police officers. 

He spat at my face! 

I don't even remember how long I stood there in disbelief, his disgusting saliva on my face before I decided to wipe it off using the back of my hand and hit him with the same hand, transferring his saliva on his smug face. And I personally don't see anything wrong with what I did. 

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