Chapter 4

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Now that I think of it, working alone sure gets a little scary sometimes. And when I mean alone, I mean alone in the whole firm. But only because it's a weekend. A Sunday. Yeah, I know, I should be at home, indulging the only two days that I'm free from the stress of trials and legal paperwork. But I gotta keep hustling for my clients.

I'm also gonna be lying if I said I'm not scared of the Jung's coming after me. Because I am. Not so much for myself, but rather for my family. All I have is my mom and my two younger sisters. And I'm sure Governor Jung would start coming after them for what I did to his son and for ruining their name. I think they deserve it. But I'm just gonna have to be extra careful about whatever move they're gonna pull on me and my family anytime soon.

*knock knock*

My thoughts were soon cut off by an unexpected knock on my office door. It's already weird enough that I'm working alone in the firm on a Sunday. Who could be knocking in my office when the sign outside clearly says that the firm is closed?

*knock knock*

Grabbing the pepper spray I stored in my drawers, I stood up and walked over to the door to welcome the unforeseen visitor. If this is one of the Jung's men planning on kidnapping me, I just hope they're ready to wear shades for a week straight if I emptied my pepper spray on them.

If not, well, who could it be then?

So, without any second thoughts, I open the door and immediately put up my pepper spray towards the man standing at the doorframe, my finger on the lid that's more than ready to press to spray it. But to my horror, I was greeted not just by one man, but seven of them. All with big smiles on their faces that were quick to fade away not until they got a sight of my pepper spray pointing directly at them.

By assessing the situation, I'm not sure what's scarier. The fact that they're obviously not one of Jung's men or that they are ENHYPEN.

The 7-member kpop boy group my sisters are fangirling so hard about.

"Woah, chill." One of them with the sharpest jawline hollers, raising his hands in surrender as he takes a step backward.

The others immediately followed him, their gazes never leaving mine as I kept staring at them in pure confusion.

"Uhm, hi." The tallest among them cuts in as he braves himself to step forward. And yes, he's the same guy who winked at me during their concert.

My gaze abruptly travelled from his chest up to meet his doe eyes. "Would you wanna, maybe, put that down?" He asks, smiling sheepishly as he gestures at the pepper spray in my hand.

"Oh." I exclaimed, immediately lowering down my hand and hid the pepper spray behind me.

"That's more like it." Ni-Ki utters as he peeks at the side to make sure the pepper spray is nowhere in sight anymore before he jumps beside this tall guy in front of me. "I'm sure you remember me, right?" He asks, grinning amusedly.

"Only because of Emma." I reply plainly, making sure to keep a straight face to keep his ego at the bay.

"You remember me, that's what matters." He chuckles.

"Is the pepper spray still there? I can't have sore eyes when we go to the beach next week." One of them, which I'm not sure who, mumbles from behind.

"Nah, all good now." Ni-Ki answers, side-eyeing them at the back before he motions for them to join us. "I think you should introduce yourselves again. I doubt she still remembers you six." He boasts with a proud teasing smile.

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