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for the funeral part I advise you guys to play who wants to live forever - Queen

happy reading xo

"Kiyoko Shimizu"

06.01.1995 - 31.10.2022

Those were the exact words imprinted onto the granite gravestone which sixth foot under laid Kiyoko Shimizu.

The sound of weeps and sobs echoed throughout the cemetery, the sky was gloomy, almost as if it was mourning with us...

"We are gathered her today to say farewell to Kiyoko Shimizu, and commit her into the hands of God."


As the Priest continued I couldn't help but feel the Rain conjure a sweet yet cold pattern upon my skin, the thousands of liquid globes reflecting the greenery of nature we are all surrounded by, I can't tell whether it is because of the shades I'm wearing that everything seems so dark or whether it's because I've just lost a very great friend all thanks to a bunch of imbeciles that were not able to pursue a plan that was made in order to avoid situations like this..

Everyone was here...Except Tanaka and Daichi of course, I knew that if anyone was going to miss Shimizu's funeral it would by Ryu, I took a precaution yesterday and tried to dial him, but of course he didn't pick up, I don't blame him really, one of the women who he cherished most dearly died in his arms.

Kiyoko and Tanaka weren't so open about their crave for one another, however any imbecilic dip wit with two left legs would not realise how madly in love the two were...he shouldn't beat himself up about it, actually.... If you ask me? He should have been the one in that casket, not Shimizu

As the priest finished his short sermon, he led straight into prayer

Death at youth is a massive tragedy, yet a right of passage for the old and so bring about different kinds of mourning..

"Lord our God, you are the source of life. In you we live and move and have our being. keep us in life and death in your love, and, by your grace, lead us to your kingdom, Through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord." The priest continued will all seriousness.


To my surprise the gangs all came together in unison to mourn the death of her, In all honesty I have no fucking idea what happens after you die or where you go, but... in a way I like to visualise Death as a gateway to rebirth, as a time that we're we are most aware of how sacred living is, We can't have forever, which is why we have to appreciate the gift of life all the more despite how shitty the experience was, and Kiyoko's death can teach us all that I believe...

But why Shimizu?...Why her?...

As the sounds of raindrops cascading from the confident yet dull sky above us continued to fall but heavier I couldn't stop asking myself this question...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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