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{ Arietta's POV }

"I've been having visions of you since before you were even born, but I've never seen past this point."
Clarice tells me

"Which means what's coming is life or death, and the elders don't want anyone involved."
I say taking a guess

She nods confirming my guess.

"Alastair and I would normally be at the council castle this time of year, but we've waited for you..and if you'll have us we'd like to travel with you."
Clarice explains

"Why?" Marek finally voices a question

"For extra protection for Arietta." Clarice answers

"Why do you care?" He questions

"I care because my wife does." Alastair answers

"I care because regardless of what anyone may think Arietta isn't a mistake. She has a purpose greater than all of ours combined, and I intend to help her beat the odds. I've watched her grow up in my dreams, and I've since her at her worst..and even at her worst she's still one of the greatest lights in this dark world." Clarice says then she goes on to add and say "There's much I don't understand. None of us do when it comes to this upcoming war..but I'm certain that I'll never regret putting my trust in your mate. She's so much more than they realize."

Marek nods gruffly

"Why you?" I ask her

"I'm not sure I understand what it is that you are asking." Clarice says

"Why you? Out of all the witches even Morgana herself.. why out of everyone do you get visions of me?" I ask her trying to wrap my mind around it

"Ah. I think that is a better question suited to the elders. However my best guess is that I'm one of the only ones who could've been trusted with your secret. You see your mother was my bestfriend. A story that will answer more than a handful of your questions. Just be patient in this journey, and remember to never trust those who beg that you trust them." Clarice says then she adds "That's something your mother had always said. I never grasped what she was trying to say, maybe you can."

I give her a nod. While deep in thought.

"I'd like to offer a good nights of rest here in our home, however it would be more stressful than anything. Considering the fact that every vampire around, me included, wants a taste of your blood. It might be better if we go ahead and get going."
Alastair points out

Marek tenses.

"Don't worry, he won't taste her. He knows she's to important to harm, and she'll be to enticing to stop."
Clarice says straight up

Alastair awkwardly coughs and asks "Shall we?"

Marek nods gruffly and we follow them out of their home. To begin our journey again.

"Are they going to try and kill her once we get there?" Marek questions Alastair

"Probably." He replies

Marek tenses and growls

"Calm down. We'll be her shield till it gets sorted. They'll come around, or at least most of them will."
Clarice says

Marek takes a big inhale

"Do either of you know why they're hunting me? The council, the hunters, the rouges. All of them want me but for seemingly different reasons."  I ask

"The council sensed the power you possess, as did the creatures we protect. It shook all of us. One minute everything was normal after the hunters, and the next the ground was shaking and nothing but pure power and chaos were born. Everything seemed like it was being threatened again, so the search began. Then one day a couple of years later we had gotten word of rogues being killed near the unknown. Which was a place deep inside the woods were not even the council had been. It frightened all creatures, and then the curiosity began. One day not long after we had gotten word that some guards returning home were brutally murdered near human territory. We had caught wind of rumors saying one single person did it, and that humans were starting to catch wave. Meaning the hunters could rise. We couldn't have that so we've been searching for you ever since. Not to kill but to help and to watch over."
Alastair explains

I take a deep breath and then a minute later I'm laughing. While the three of them watch me with slight amusement and great concern.

"I remember that day. Your precious guards weren't returning home harmlessly. They were after me. They didn't even want to capture me. They wanted me dead with proof. Even then I didn't mean to kill them, I got to freaked out, and back then I didn't know how to control it. I take responsibility for my actions but the least I ask is that you own up to sending them after me to began with."
I say boldly with shaking hands

Alastair looks taken back by my words, as does Clarice.

"You were only a child then." Clarice says

"I was six." I reply

Alastair looks sick and says "We never sent guards after you, and even if we had of it wouldn't have been to kill you."

"Maybe Clarice should show you her vision. Because it sure looked like the councils trusted guards to me. At least from where I was standing." I reply

Alastair shakes his head "We wouldn't have done that. Couldn't have even if we wanted. We had no idea who you were, and we still don't understand what it is that you are."

"Arietta if you're serious, and give me your permission. I'll show him what happened that night. I believe both of you but somewhere between both of your stories is the truth. We need to get to the bottom of it before we go walking into the councils territory." Clarice says sounding reasonable

I give a nod and say "Show him. He should see what it looks like when the guards come after a child with their gentle and protecting hands."

Clarice grabs Alastair head and says "Stay calm and really focus once you are there. Don't fight it just go with it. There's nothing you can do to change it now."

Alastair nods and then their eyes close.

"What did they do?" Marek asks

"The unimaginable." I reply with a detached voice

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