Chapter Four

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This is just to clear things up a little in this book Tommy Boy only made one intentional Horcrux his diary and instead of leaving it with Lucius, he hid it in the one place that he knew that no one would ever think to look for it in. Just thought I'd state that so it's known and no one will be confused (:

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Chapter Four:
The Diary
June 12, 1989
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Morgana Potter had now been at Wools Orphanage for almost 8 years. She was now almost nine years old. She barely remembers the night that she was dropped off here but that is a given she was only a little over a year old but sometimes she dreams about the green light that matched her eyes and the man that was there and a faintly whispered apology but she never sees him clearly enough to identify him.

She was currently locked in her room, two of the older kids had decided that it would be funny to steal food from the kitchen and blame it on her but as usual, she was able to charm her way out of the hard punishment was just to be locked in her room until it was time for dinner since it happened after lunch, so that meant she was to be in the room until, 7:00 PM which is when they ate dinner.

One thing about Morgana Potter was that she was a charming girl, something that she isn't aware that she gets from her father, she can charm her way out of almost any situation, almost, there have been a few times where it didn't work but for the most part, it worked, she had it the easiest at least when it came to Madam Corvin and people that worked there since she often used this ability to get out of the hard labored chores. A lot of the other children get jealous of that which leads to what had happened earlier, they actively try to get her in trouble which hardly works the way they want it to sure she'll get in trouble but not the way that they want her to.

Morgana was looking around the room she was bored so she decided to explore the room that she slept in after she had looked at everything else she noticed the bookshelf, it looked off-center just slightly so she walked up to it to examine it closer and that was when she noticed scuff marks on the floor and her curiosity got the better of her and she pulled the shelf along the marks on the floor only to see a hidden vent that was closed off and just as she was about to put the shelf back since it looked like nothing was there, was when she felt it for the first time it was like something was pulling her open the vent so she did and when she saw a book wrapped in a dark cloth she gently picked it up and unwrapped it.

She saw a black book, she quickly set it down and made sure everything else was back the way she found it and she picked it up and headed towards her bed she sat in the middle of the bed with her legs crossed, she examined the book closer and she saw TMR engraved on the spine, then she flipped it to the front and saw Tom Marvolo Riddle written on the front 'so that must be what the TMR on the spine stands for.' she opened it to the first page only to find it blank 'guess whoever he was, never actually wrote in it ... or maybe some kind of invisible ink that you need something special to read it?'

She grabbed a pen from her bedside table since she needed it to do school work snd she always kept extra pens hidden in case she lost one or one of the other kids stole one it had happened in the past.

'Hello...' She started but before she could write anything else the word vanished from the page making Morgana stare at it in shock. But what shocked her the most was when words appeared on the page as if someone were writing back to her.

'Hello there, who are you and why do you have my diary?' She stared at the writing for a moment then it disappeared again after she read it.

'I'm Morgana Potter... Are you Tom then if this is your diary? Your name is on the front of it... and well, I got locked in my room as a punishment and I was looking around and I noticed the bookcase looked a little off and saw the scuff marks on the floor so I got curious and moved it and then as I was about to move it back I felt something call out to me almost as if urging me to open the vent I did and found the book.' A few minutes later the words disappeared again only to be replaced by the reply.

'Yes I'm Tom Riddle or well the 16-year-old version of me anyway but that doesn't matter all that much but interesting because I didn't do that usually that only happens when I want it to... how old you? how long have you been here?'

'8, I'll be 9 on July 31st not that anybody really cares though... I've been here since I was a year old or so Madam Corvin says, I was left on the steps with nothing but a note that had my name and birthday on it.' She heard the rattling of keys 'I gotta go someone is coming I can hear the keys rattling but I'll write back soon though I promise.'

The words disappeared and Morgana quickly hid the diary under her pillow she would find a better spoke when she had more time. She wouldn't risk the other kids finding it, it was now her little secret.


Inside the diary, after it had been close paced the 16-year-old soul piece of Tom Riddle this diary being his one and only Horcrux, it was pure luck that he had stumbled on that book when he had gotten interested in Horcrux's he had read that the more times you slipt your soul the more it drove you to insanity so he had promised himself that he would just make the one. He really hoped that his older self had stuck to that promise. "now why is that you called out to the child when I didn't authorize that" he seemingly spoke to himself but he was talking to the magic in the diary.

He was just met with silence "come on what's so special about this girl that you call out to her on your own?" but once again is met with silence making him roll his eyes.


Morgana had grabbed the book that was on her bedside table and opened it to a random page as the door to her room opened, she looked up and smiled seeing Rosie, Rosie was one of the older kids there but she was the only one that was actively nice to Morgana "you were being awfully quiet Morgan so I got sent to check and make sure you weren't getting into something that you shouldn't be."

The Potter girl held her book up "just got lost in my book Rosie."

The blonde teenager smiled back at the 8-year-old "that's what I said, that you probably just had your nose stuck in a book but Madam Corvin wanted to be sure you were behaving."

The girl put on her charming smile, "well as you can see I am... how much longer am I stuck in here for?"

"Just a few more hours Morgan."

She sighed "Thanks, Rosie." the older girl nodded before leaving Morgana alone once again. Once she knew that she was alone again she put the book back on the table and pulled the diary out again.

'Alright, I'm back it was just Rosie, she's one of the older kids here, she was sent to check on me since I was being really quiet the lady that runs this place doesn't trust when we're quiet.' a few moments later the words disappeared.

'What exactly did you do that got you in trouble?'

'That's the thing I didn't do anything but a couple of the other kids stole a couple of things from the kitchen and then told Madam Corvin that I did it, but as usual, I was able to talk my way into being locked in my room instead of a hard chore as punishment.'

'So you do that a lot do you?'

'Yeah, anytime I can use it to get out of something I don't want to do I use it to my advantage, If something can be used to my advantage I do it.' The words disappeared again only to be replaced with a reply.

'Hmmm, that is a very Slytherin thing to do.' The Potter girl stared at the reply confused since she doesn't know what that means.

'What does that mean?'

'right you're still a little too young to know about that but don't worry, you'll learn in time.' Morgana accepted that answer and spent the rest of the duration of her punishment talking to Tom and the two became more familiar with one another, not knowing that as she got older the 16-year-old soul piece of her father would become her best friend, the person that she trusted the most and told absolutely everything to. 

Here is chapter four :D hope you guys enjoy it, I absolutely adore writing this character already 💖. 

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