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It is late at night at the science lab at ESU as Andrew, Peter, and Gwen are with Eddie and Dr. Connors in front of a large tank.

Connors: (Puts on some gloves and grabs a tool) In nature, everything is connected. As scientists, we expand and explore on those connections to the benefit of society.

Eddie: We're experimenting with genetically altered electric eels.

Connors: (Walks up to the tank) Think what we could do with this energy. A new source of clean power.

Andrew: That sounds amazing, but you might want to clean the tank, it's all green.

Eddie: (Chuckles) It is clean, the fluid, I call it sludge, increases the eel's bio-electric signature.

Connors: Yes, I'm fact, the signatures have become so great we've been forced to make upgrades to the lab.

???: Uh, we've been forced.

They look over to see a maintenance man making adjustments.

Connors: Sorry, we're forcing Max to upgrade.

Max: (Smiles) All I'm saying.

Martha and Curt's son walk into the lab.

Martha: Curt, I need to get Billy to bed.

Curt: Sorry honey, lost track of time.

Martha: You? No, I'm shocked. (Giggles before kissing him)

Curt: I have to wait for Max to finish, but you go ahead, take Billy home.

Martha: You might send Andrew, Peter, and Gwen home too, it is a school night.

Curt: Right. Right right. Uh, go on you three.

The three teens leave the lab as Martha gives her husband one more kiss before leaving with Billy. As the teens walk outside, Andrew gets a call from his mom.

Andrew: (To phone) Hey, mom. Yeah, we're just leaving now. Peter and I are about to walk Gwen home then head that way after. Alright, see you and dad soon. (Hangs up)

Gwen: Your parents making you do this now?

Andrew: Well, mostly my mom. My dad thinks I'll be fine, but you know my mom can be protective sometimes.

Peter: I know how that is. Aunt May has me do the same thing.

Gwen: So does my dad, Captain Stacy makes me call all the time.

Andrew: (Chuckles) Look at us, three teens with overprotective families.

Gwen: Hey, my dad is a cop, what's your excuses?

Back in the lab:

Curt examines some samples of the lizard DNA with a microscope and when he sees the cells in the sample regenerate, he becomes interested.

Nearby, Max is trying to pull out a panel but it's being stubborn. Putting his drill atop the machine, he pulls the panel with all his might causing his drill to fall onto the panel causing sparks to fly. When he reaches over to grab it, sparks of electricity zap him causing him to scream out in pain before the panel flies out and has him crash into the electric eel tank causing large amounts of electricity to shoot out around him.


At Manhattan General Hospital, paramedics rush in with Max strapped down with Eddie and Curt not far behind. At the service desk, Dr. Bromwell sees them and walks toward them.

Bromwell: How's his pulse?

He checks his pulse only to move his hand back as he gets a jolt of electricity.

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